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If you were a dog....

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How would you act if you were Fido?

Would you prefer:

23% (4) Ground up mush in a can, aka canned dog food.
35% (6) Mcdonalds Happy Meal.
29% (5) Steaks, 7 days a week.
5% (1) Only garden fresh veggies.
17% (3) I would'nt eat any of the above.

17 voters have answered this question.

What would be the funnest to chew up?

6% (1) Your owners new squash racket.
37% (6) All the toys...Big Birds, Barneys and Barbies.
31% (5) The neighbours prized flower bed.
0% (0) The handle on the plunger.
31% (5) All of the above.

16 voters have answered this question.

What color would you be?

58% (10) Black and white.
29% (5) Golden.
5% (1) Multi colored with a mohawk and gold teeth.
0% (0) Bald.
5% (1) Red like an Irish setter.

17 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-04-21 06:50:45 by shadylady
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