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Lots of Interesting Questions!

This poll doesn't exactly have a theme, but answer any or all of the questions as you chose, and have fun!
All right, first off, identify yourself as...
straight male
gay male
bisexual male
straight female
lesbian female
bisexual female
hang on a sec, I've gotta call my mom...
Under 10
10 - 14
Over 40
Which celebrity really needs to get a life?
Jennifer Lopez
Britney Speares
George Bush
Al Gore
How many people do you have on your buddy list?
0 (don't have an instant-messager)
Are you kidding? I have half the population of Ecuador on my buddy list!
Do you believe in UFO's?
No, of course not
Um, maybe
Yes, definately
I just saw one last week
I've been abducted multiple times
How many times have you been in love? (not just a crush, I mean real love)
Not yet!
Just once
2 to 3 times
4 to 5 times
6 to 7 times
Is there a guy/girl I haven't loved?
Would you rather be...
In a sturdy cabin in the woods at night during a storm, alone
In a flimsy tent in the woods at night during a storm, with a friend
What would you do if a stranger came up to you in the supermarket and asked you to marry them?
Say, "Of course!" (jokingly)
Say, "Of course!" (and mean it!)
Just laugh
Ignore them and hope they go away
Get slightly offended but not say anything
Inform the manager and have the person kicked out of the store
Are you married?
ONLY PEOPLE WHO ANSWERED "YES" TO THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: Were you a virgin when you married (the first time, of course)? Be honest...
Yes, I was a virgin
No, but I lost it to the person I married
No, I lost it to someone else
Which of these conflicting addages is true?
Distance makes the heart grow fonder
Out of sight, out of mind
Which of the following have you done to your hair? (Check all that apply)
Dyed it a similar shade to my natural color
Dyed it a totally different shade but still a "natural" color
Dyed it a totally un-natural color
Let a family member cut it
Had dreadlocks
Gone for months without washing it
Worn a wig
That little orphan's gotta die
That little orphan should go away and leave me alone
Just stop singing "tomorrow" and I can leave this mental institution
Kinda annoying
No opinion
I love her!
I *am* Daddy Warbucks
What are you talking about?
This poll was created on 2001-04-16 21:31:54 by MPC679957486