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Lots of Interesting Questions!

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This poll doesn't exactly have a theme, but answer any or all of the questions as you chose, and have fun!

All right, first off, identify yourself as...

29% (109) straight male
2% (11) gay male
3% (14) bisexual male
53% (195) straight female
1% (5) lesbian female
6% (25) bisexual female
2% (8) hang on a sec, I've gotta call my mom...

367 voters have answered this question.


1% (5) Under 10
12% (46) 10 - 14
39% (144) 15-20
32% (119) 20-30
7% (27) 30-40
6% (24) Over 40

365 voters have answered this question.

Which celebrity really needs to get a life?

14% (53) Jennifer Lopez
13% (50) Eminem
43% (156) Britney Speares
27% (98) George Bush
13% (48) Al Gore
19% (71) ME!

359 voters have answered this question.

How many people do you have on your buddy list?

29% (106) 0 (don't have an instant-messager)
14% (54) 1-10
16% (60) 20-40
8% (30) 40-60
4% (16) 60-80
12% (47) 80-100
14% (51) Are you kidding? I have half the population of Ecuador on my buddy list!

364 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe in UFO's?

31% (117) No, of course not
45% (166) Um, maybe
17% (64) Yes, definately
1% (7) I just saw one last week
3% (13) I've been abducted multiple times

367 voters have answered this question.

How many times have you been in love? (not just a crush, I mean real love)

33% (123) Not yet!
30% (111) Just once
29% (109) 2 to 3 times
1% (7) 4 to 5 times
3% (13) 6 to 7 times
1% (7) Is there a guy/girl I haven't loved?

370 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather be...

29% (108) In a sturdy cabin in the woods at night during a storm, alone
70% (258) In a flimsy tent in the woods at night during a storm, with a friend

366 voters have answered this question.

What would you do if a stranger came up to you in the supermarket and asked you to marry them?

31% (114) Say, "Of course!" (jokingly)
2% (8) Say, "Of course!" (and mean it!)
40% (150) Just laugh
17% (63) Ignore them and hope they go away
4% (18) Get slightly offended but not say anything
3% (14) Inform the manager and have the person kicked out of the store

367 voters have answered this question.

Are you married?

15% (58) Yes
84% (313) No

371 voters have answered this question.

ONLY PEOPLE WHO ANSWERED "YES" TO THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: Were you a virgin when you married (the first time, of course)? Be honest...

31% (28) Yes, I was a virgin
14% (13) No, but I lost it to the person I married
53% (48) No, I lost it to someone else

89 voters have answered this question.

Which of these conflicting addages is true?

52% (183) Distance makes the heart grow fonder
47% (166) Out of sight, out of mind

349 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following have you done to your hair? (Check all that apply)

28% (92) Permed
33% (108) Dyed it a similar shade to my natural color
28% (92) Dyed it a totally different shade but still a "natural" color
20% (65) Dyed it a totally un-natural color
35% (115) Hi-lites
61% (198) Let a family member cut it
4% (16) Had dreadlocks
9% (30) Gone for months without washing it
13% (45) Worn a wig

324 voters have answered this question.


4% (17) That little orphan's gotta die
1% (7) That little orphan should go away and leave me alone
8% (30) Just stop singing "tomorrow" and I can leave this mental institution
11% (42) Kinda annoying
33% (120) No opinion
15% (55) I love her!
1% (5) I *am* Daddy Warbucks
22% (80) What are you talking about?

356 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-04-16 21:31:54 by MPC679957486
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