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Do you want to be a monkey?

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What's wrong with monkeys? We came from them, after all. So why wouldn't you want to be one?

How old are you?

54% (13) 1-20
29% (7) 21-40
0% (0) 41-60
0% (0) 61-80 -->
4% (1) Too old to remember
8% (2) Too obsessed with bananas to remember
4% (1) Just can't remember

24 voters have answered this question.

Do you want to be a monkey?

45% (11) Yes
37% (9) No
16% (4) I'd rather be a pickle

24 voters have answered this question.

What do you like most about monkeys?

16% (4) Their tails
20% (5) Their hands
12% (3) Their fur/hair
8% (2) The way they pick ticks off each other
20% (5) (For the more violent types) They can tear your arm out of its socket
20% (5) Bananas

24 voters have answered this question.

Do you like apes or monkeys better?

8% (2) Apes 'cause they're big
62% (15) Monkeys 'cause they're cute
29% (7) Pickles 'cause they're pickles

24 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-09-07 22:05:14 by 2_silly_4_me
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