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wetting accident statistics

I have found information that seems to show that the age accidents are classified as common, or rare has changed. I remember when i was in school it seemed that any wetting accidents, be it bedwetting or day time wetting, were classified as rare for those over a certain age. i am curious as to how the ages have changed over the years. the info will be a bit hard for most to interpret, but seeing as i can access the full voting info, i will be able to get the information i am looking for. All questions are required. This is for a personal, information purpose. And i will be voting on this myself. I will have this poll open until June 30 2010, or until 1000 completed.

1. What age range are you?

32% (19) under 18
18% (11) 18-20
11% (7) 21-25
8% (5) 26-30
3% (2) 31-35
0% (0) 36-40
3% (2) 41-45
5% (3) 46-50
16% (10) over 50

59 voters have answered this question.

2. Do you wet the bed, wet during the day, or both?

16% (10) Wet the bed
10% (6) wet during the day
25% (15) both
47% (28) no

59 voters have answered this question.

3. Do you know anyone within 2 years of your age that wet the bed, wets during the day, or both?

6% (4) Yes Wets the bed
8% (5) Yes wets during the day
28% (17) yes both
55% (33) no

59 voters have answered this question.

4. If you wet the bed when you were younger, and dont now, what age range were you in when you stopped wetting the bed atleast once a week?

28% (17) under 5
6% (4) 5-7
22% (13) 8-12
42% (25) 13 or older

59 voters have answered this question.

5. If you wet during the day when you were younger,and dont now, what age range were you in when you stopped wetting during the day atleast once a week?

44% (26) under 5
20% (12) 5-7
5% (3) 8-12
30% (18) 13 or older

59 voters have answered this question.

6. When you were between 5 and 8 years old, did you know anyone between the ages of 4 and 9 that wet the bed, wet during the day, or both?

28% (17) Yes, wet the bed
10% (6) yes, wet during the day
37% (22) yes, both
23% (14) no.

59 voters have answered this question.

7. What is the highest age range you were taught, or you believe, it is common for kids to still wet the bed?

32% (19) under 5
27% (16) 5-7
25% (15) 8-12
15% (9) 13 or older

59 voters have answered this question.

8. What is the highest age range you were taught, or you believe it is common for kids to still wet during the day?

49% (29) under 5
32% (19) 5-7
10% (6) 8-12
8% (5) 13 or older

59 voters have answered this question.

9. What is the age range you were taught, or you believe, that kids should stop wetting the bed by?

37% (22) under 5
22% (13) 5-7
25% (15) 8-12
15% (9) 13 or older

59 voters have answered this question.

10. What is the age range you were taught, or you believe, that kids should stop wetting during the day by?

54% (32) under 5
23% (14) 5-7
13% (8) 8-12
8% (5) 13 or older

59 voters have answered this question.

11. Final question, Some people out there may like to have thie very statistical information i am collecting, Although any can look at the basic voting info, but only i can see more specific info, this question will post the basic age ranged statistics on the message board, BUT i will ONLY do so if this question is voted with a 70% or higher yes rate. And only the yes actually counts, and there are 4 options. Do you want the age based statistical information posted on this polls mesage board?

67% (40) Yes
5% (3) No
22% (13) Don't really care either way
5% (3) Don't want to pick either way.

59 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-02-28 01:30:33 by tretery
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