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User: tretery


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Posted in Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on 2010-05-19 17:27:20

The point is that the definition encompasses both mental illnesses and mental disorders, which sadly are not the same but many things are lumps together badly, i can give a couple examples.

Autism: is a mental disability but fits the definition of mental illness or disorder.

Transgender: classified as a mental illness/disorder (aka gender identity disorder) and i see it as a physical issue. Be true to who YOU are. I am.

ABDL: Adult Baby Diaper Lovers, many see them as perverts and pedophiles, which they arent, and i could go on for hours on how much i know for this.

Religion: see cult. Dont believe me? Bunch of hocky rules and guildlines and massive disputes of who is right (this is aimed mostly at christians) and the fight for freedom of religion, who yells the loudest for it? yet who are most vocal that THEY are the right religion.

Ok rant over :P


Posted in wetting accident statistics on 2010-03-23 23:24:58

For one, it isnt nice to laugh at someone who cant help it, i mean how would you feel if you were, say at a bar, and all the sudden wet your pants and couldnt help it, and then had a friend laugh at you? Now that isnt to say that your friend hasnt laughed at it, in which case if you were both laughing about it then no problem then.

As for if you should try wetting, what can it hurt, i mean you wash your clothes right? You shower dont you? So i would say why not, i mean just pick a day close to when you are gonna be doing laundry, then try it, take a few mins at least to see how it feels then hop in the shower, if you dont like it, then just dont do it anymore. it is a simple as that.

However, there is a little more to doing it, some people have a hard time actually doing it because we are taught from a young age not to. But the way i look at it, if you are an adult, then you have the right, however if you are not legally an adult by age, you DO have to think about what your parents might say, or how they will react. If this friend is a good friend and you are not an adult, then you have to think, what if i do this and my parents find out, what will i tell them, if i tell them i did it cause my friend said i should, will they let me remain his friend.

I know it is a lot to think about, but if you are curious, just think about what i have said, and either try it or not.

Posted in Diaper punishment please HELP!!!!! on 2010-01-14 06:03:27

no offense but those are all BAD and i mean REALLY BAD ideas, thos e"punishment" ideas are probably things he would like. I am quite familiar with the adult baby diaper lover life styles. (too much research) and honestly i am curious, what seems to be the problem? I mean so he is wearing diapers and baby clothes and has a bottle, did he pay for them himself? i mean if he has a job and is responsable and has these items as extra then what is the problem? Plus think about it, if he is only wearing and not using them, making him use them could cause him to start doing it. If you have questions i would be more than willing to talk (online) with you.

I look at it like this, there are FAR worse things he could be into than being an AB, do i really need to list? Drinking drugs.................. need i add more?

I will be watching this so if you reply to this post i will know, but just know, i am supportive of those who are AB or DL, i see it as there choice, and seeing as he is 18 there are limits on how much you can control him, and if you try to hard to stop this in him, it could push him away from you and out your door.

But again if you wish to talk, i can atleast try to help you understand things a bit, or offer advice to either deal with it, or way to confront him about it in a way that would work, but like i said and no offense, your ideas are the LAST thing you want to do.

signed Tretery

Posted in That TICKLES! on 2010-01-14 05:53:08

Nice poll lots of fun, but sadly there are a couple little things that i would probably do while tickling you, but i have experience as an online bdsm mistress, but do not worry, it would all be in good fun wink wink but of course we would have a safe word (if you could say it i may be surprised) but a couple things you left out i would do like very lightly and gently carressing/ticling you with my acryllic nails, and believe me, a slight caress on a ticklish spot, if that wasnt the first time i tickled you, you would giggle from the memories of before, and the thought of what may be new to come.

Posted in boys in girl clothes on 2009-06-15 23:21:59

give it a little time, you never know if you open your mind about what you are trying out, you may realise you like more than you think.