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Is slang attractive?

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Well no intro needed really. But, If ya really want it, it's an exploration of people's social and sexual appeal if they are great users of slang. Yee-haw.

Well, ladies, what do ya think of guys who use what i'll call "urban" slang (follow the "gangsta" persona, if you will)

42% (3) They's hard f'sho!
0% (0) It's aight. I dig.
0% (0) Bah, whatever.
14% (1) Not really feelin' it.
42% (3) It's repulsive and distusting.

7 voters have answered this question.

Members of the male gender, right back atcha.

45% (5) Tight as EVA!!
9% (1) Chea, I can dig.
0% (0) No real preference.
18% (2) Nah. Not really.
27% (3) It's degenerate and bad some

11 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-01-19 22:02:24 by The Poll Sheister
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