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Feminism in the media

Every other commercial I see on television depicts men as bumbling idiots and women as God's gift to them. I want to find out who else has noticed this.
Do you think people in the media are using commercials, etc. to push forward a feminist agenda?
Don't know
How many advertisements do you think depict a couple in which the woman is clearly smarter?
Less than half
More than half
All of them
Is this depiction of men accurate?
Yes, women are smarter.
No, men are smarter.
No, neither gender is smarter.
Who makes feminist commercials?
Straight men
Gay men
Should we put a stop to commercials that make men look stupid, sex-crazed and lazy?
Yes, it's just not true of men.
No, it's good advertizing.
No, men really are that way.
Do you think companies are losing male consumers because of their ad campaigns?
Should men boycot goods that are advertized with degrading commercials?
Last question. Really think before you answer. Should women stand for this?
Yes, it only affects men after all
No, they should stick up for men
This poll was created on 2006-04-08 19:07:04 by CountArtha