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Feminism in the media

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Every other commercial I see on television depicts men as bumbling idiots and women as God's gift to them. I want to find out who else has noticed this.

Do you think people in the media are using commercials, etc. to push forward a feminist agenda?

79% (69) Yes
12% (11) No
8% (7) Don't know

87 voters have answered this question.

How many advertisements do you think depict a couple in which the woman is clearly smarter?

10% (9) Less than half
69% (61) More than half
20% (18) All of them

88 voters have answered this question.

Is this depiction of men accurate?

29% (26) Yes, women are smarter.
28% (25) No, men are smarter.
42% (37) No, neither gender is smarter.

88 voters have answered this question.

Who makes feminist commercials?

34% (29) Straight men
34% (29) Gay men
87% (74) Women

85 voters have answered this question.

Should we put a stop to commercials that make men look stupid, sex-crazed and lazy?

66% (58) Yes, it's just not true of men.
10% (9) No, it's good advertizing.
22% (20) No, men really are that way.

87 voters have answered this question.

Do you think companies are losing male consumers because of their ad campaigns?

34% (30) Yes
39% (35) No
26% (23) Maybe

88 voters have answered this question.

Should men boycot goods that are advertized with degrading commercials?

47% (42) Yes
38% (34) No
13% (12) Maybe

88 voters have answered this question.

Last question. Really think before you answer. Should women stand for this?

36% (31) Yes, it only affects men after all
63% (53) No, they should stick up for men

84 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-04-08 19:07:04 by CountArtha
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