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Telling kids what not to do

I am a parent myself and I realise that telling kids what not to do without explaining why often makes them curious about what you're warning them about. I have listed typical things I have heard parents say, or I have seen in advertising campaigns, without any explanation of why. Do you think its a good idea to tell kids not to do things, or is it best left to their common sense? I am very worried that telling kids what not to do will only make them more likely to do whatever you're warning about.

Are you a parent ?

63% (93) Yes, Father
26% (39) Yes, Mother
9% (14) No

146 voters have answered this question.

Age / Gender of your kid(s) ?

36% (52) Preteen Boy
33% (48) Teen Boy
63% (91) Preteen Girl
32% (47) Teen Girl

143 voters have answered this question.

Do you frequently give warnings about safety to your kids ?

73% (106) Yes
26% (39) No

145 voters have answered this question.

In the list below, what are the three most important things you warn your kids about ? (Check three only)

31% (47) Don't talk to strangers
38% (56) Don't smoke
27% (41) Don't drink alcohol
50% (74) Don't do drugs
36% (53) Don't sniff glue
21% (31) Don't take candy from strangers
37% (55) Don't get into a stranger's car
31% (47) Don't go into a stranger's house
29% (44) Don't go with a stranger to help find his lost dog
17% (25) Don't stay out after dark
14% (22) Don't play tie-up games
35% (52) Don't play hanging games
37% (55) Don't put a plastic bag over your head
29% (44) Don't play near the rail tracks
17% (25) Don't play near the river
42% (62) Don't steal from shops
11% (17) Don't sit on your own in the park / mall / bus-station
25% (38) Don't let anyone touch you in a way you don't like
37% (55) Don't give out your details on-line
17% (25) Don't let a stranger view your web-cam
19% (28) Don't do anything a stranger tells you to do on-line
14% (21) Don't let a stranger take photos of you
8% (12) Don't wear revealing clothes
30% (45) Don't play with matches
21% (31) Don't let a stranger tell you to do things on your web-cam
31% (46) Don't meet up with a stranger you met on-line

147 voters have answered this question.

What is your most frequent warning ? (Check one only)

13% (19) Don't talk to strangers
6% (10) Don't smoke
2% (3) Don't drink alcohol
25% (37) Don't do drugs
3% (5) Don't sniff glue
1% (2) Don't take candy from strangers
4% (6) Don't get into a stranger's car
2% (3) Don't go into a stranger's house
0% (0) Don't go with a stranger to help find his lost dog
2% (3) Don't stay out after dark
1% (2) Don't play tie-up games
2% (3) Don't play hanging games
2% (4) Don't put a plastic bag over your head
4% (6) Don't play near the rail tracks
1% (2) Don't play near the river
2% (3) Don't steal from shops
0% (0) Don't sit on your own in the park / mall / bus-station
2% (3) Don't let anyone touch you in a way you don't like
6% (9) Don't give out your details on-line
0% (0) Don't let a stranger view your web-cam
0% (0) Don't do anything a stranger tells you to do on-line
0% (1) Don't let a stranger take photos of you
2% (3) Don't wear revealing clothes
3% (5) Don't play with matches
2% (4) Don't let a stranger tell you to do things on your web-cam
7% (11) Don't meet up with a stranger you met on-line

144 voters have answered this question.

When you give a warning, do you explain in detail what the consequences of not heeding your warning might be ?

77% (114) Yes
22% (33) No

147 voters have answered this question.

If your answer to the last question was 'No', what stopped you explaining the consequences in detail ? Check all the applicable reasons

32% (16) Laziness
16% (8) Not enough time
10% (5) Too embarrassed to explain
18% (9) Didn't know how to explain
38% (19) Other

49 voters have answered this question.

Do you think giving kids warnings is more likely to make them do what you're warning them about ?

46% (68) Yes
53% (78) No

146 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-10-25 11:02:23 by junix
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