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Animal Abuse

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Animals all over have been neglected and beaten by their owners. Here is a few questions about what the people think of animal abuse.

Is it OK to force feed an animal?

15% (21) yes
84% (115) no

136 voters have answered this question.

Should animal testing be illegal?

65% (89) yes
38% (52) no

135 voters have answered this question.

Should we kill animals for their fur?

8% (12) yes
93% (129) no

138 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever witnessed an animal being abused?

47% (66) yes
56% (79) no

139 voters have answered this question.

If you have ever witnessed an animal being abused, did you do anything about it?

52% (56) yes
47% (51) no

107 voters have answered this question.

On the scale of 1-5, how bad do you think animal abuse is?

3% (5) 1
3% (5) 2
7% (11) 3
17% (25) 4
74% (103) 5

139 voters have answered this question.

Do you think there should be harsher punishment for abusing an animal?

88% (121) yes
13% (19) no

137 voters have answered this question.

Do you think animal abuse has gotten better or worse over the years?

30% (41) better
75% (103) worse

136 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel there are enough places for abused animals to go?

20% (28) yes
81% (113) no

138 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that animals in the slaughter house should be treated better?

93% (129) yes
7% (11) no

138 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-03-06 07:50:51 by ~Kiwi~
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