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Astrology and You

This poll is to get a feel for the public's general attitude about and experience with Astrology.
The next 10 questions rate your take on Astrology. Select the response that most closely describes your opinion of each statement. 1. "Astrology makes people think it works becasue it uses broad generalizations that could apply to anybody."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
2. "The Sun Sign horoscopes I read never or rarely describe me or my day/week/month, so I don't think Astrology works."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
3. "My horoscope is usually right, so I think Astrology works, but I don't know much about it. Maybe I would like to learn more."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
4. "It's fruity New Age stuff that couldn't possibly work, and a waste of time for practical people."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
5. "It promotes fatalism, and I don't believe in that."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
6. "It is a way to learn about oneself and become aware of the potential opportunities and challenges in one's life."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
7. "Astrology is the work of the Devil."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
8. "It's entertaining to read my horoscope in the newspaper, but I don't take Astrology seriously."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
9. "I am an Astrologer or student of Astrology, you can guess my opinion..."
10. "I don't have much of an opinion about Astrology, I would need more information and proof one way or the other before I formed an opinion."
Strongly Agree
Strongly Diagree
What is your knowledge level of Astrology?
What's Astrology?
I know where my horoscope is in the newspaper.
I have read about my Sun Sign and how it describes me.
I have read books on the basic principles of Astrology out of curiosity.
I have ready many books, and have a higher that average interest.
I am a student of Astrology, currently studying to become an Astrologer.
I am a professional Astrologer and/or have a certification or degree in this field.
Have you ever had a professional Astrological reading done?
Yes, many
Yes, few or once
If you said "Yes" to the last question, how did you obtain your report and what type of report was it? (check all that apply)
Over the internet, generic Astrology website
Over the internet, specific Astrologer's website
In person with an Astrologer
Used Astrology software to create my own report
It was a Natal report (about your self).
It was an Horary report(answered a spesific question).
It was a relationship compatibility report
It was another type of report
Has anyone you know (family, friends, coworkers) ever had a professional Astrology report done?
Yes, many people I know have
Yes, a few people I know have
Yes, I know one person who has
No, I don't know anyone who has
If you ever had a professional report done for you, how accurate did you feel it was?
Very Accurate
Mostly Accurate
About fifty-fifty
Not really accurate
Not even close
Didn't sound right, but maybe I'm not being objective about myself
How self-aware do you feel you are? (check all that apply)
I know me, and am aware of both good and bad traits I posess
I know my purpose in life and how to acheive it
I feel like I know myself
I am sometimes surprised at the things I do or think.
I am frequently surpised at myself.
I don't understand how I get into some situations.
I am in complete denial.
What's your Sun Sign?
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Did you know your Sun Sign before taking this poll?
Are you born "on the cusp?" (During the fist or last 3 days of a sign)
If you are born on the cusp of a sign, you may find that parts of the description of the other sign (not the sign you are, but the one you are close to) will also fit you. If you are born on the very fist or last day of a sign, depending on the year you were born, you could actually be the in next sign. Were you aware of this before taking this poll?
Do you think most descriptions of your Sun Sign describe you? (check all that apply)
No, not even
No, but the next sign does, I am on the cusp
Some of my sign, some of the next sign, I am on the cusp
Sort of
Yes, mostly
Yes, totally
Yes, but I recognize the Sun is not the only factor in my chart
Do you know what signs any of your other planets are in? (in Astrology, the Moon and Sun are referred to as planets, for convenience)
No, I didn't know other planets were taken into account
No, I don't know.
Yes, I know where the Moon is
Yes, I know were they all are
Signs? I thought planets were out in space. What are you guys talking about?
Do you know what sign your Ascendant is in? (your Rising Sign?)
Have you ever used Astrology to figure out how to get along or deal with others (family, friends, coworkers)?
Yes, it helped me understand them
Yes, but it didn't help
No, but I could look into it
No, I woudn't do that
Have you ever chosen or ruled out a potential mate based on any Astrological factors?
No, why rule out people that way?
No, never thought about it
Yes, but didn't make much difference
Yes, with success
Yes, compatibilty report and all
Regardless of your opinion of Astrology, what Sun Sign's charachteristics sound most appealing to you (as in fun or desirable to be around)? (check all that apply)
Aries: Let's go watch the drag races! Or better yet join them! Now where's my cell phone? Right, next to my trophy cabinet.
Taurus: We're going to have something fantastic for dinner. Then maybe a nap after our trip to the movies, if it doesn't cost too much.
Gemini: Talk to me!! I'll be writing an e-mail and watching TV at the same time! I need constant stimulation. I am very witty. :)
Cancer: Lets stay home. I'll make you dinner, special for you! We can look at photo albums and reminisce.
Leo: Let's go sing Karaoke! Don't worry, I'll pay for everbody! Be quiet, I'm talking about myself!
Virgo: First let's make a plan for what we're going to do. Then we'll figure out how to oganize funds. Then we can have the most efficient use of time possible.
Libra: Is my hair ok? Where should we go? What do you think? I say we watch Law and Order or go shopping!
Scorpio: It's none of your buisness what I'm doing. Let's have sex. You're mine now.
Sagittarius: P-a-r-t-y? Cuz I gotta! Let's get drunk and talk philosophy. Can I borrow your credit card?
Capricorn: Let me check my schedule, I'm awfully busy. Wednesday, lunch? I'll send the Town Car for you. Noon sharp.
Aquarius: There's a Trek Convention in town! I'm going to walk backwards the entire time to make people wonder what's up. I'll call all our friends...
Pisces: Do you ever daydream? Hang on, let me check my e-mail. Let's get high. Don;t worry about that guy, he's sleeping on my couch until he can find a home...
Are you religious?
No, I am an athiest
No, I am agnostic
I decide what I believe as I gain experience
Yes, somewhat
Yes, orthodox
I believe on something, but is is not an organized religion
Before I took this survey, I was NOT aware that Astrology could be used for the following: (check all that apply)
Becoming more self-aware
Detecting the timing of events in one's life
Answering specific questions
Finding lost objects
Career aptitude
Analyzing personal relationships
Forecasting world events
Choosng an opportune time to do something
detecting health concerns
financial planning
This poll was created on 2006-06-21 05:33:36 by Tuesday Cooper XIII