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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest!

I just wanted to know if you saw it and whether or not you liked it!
First, did you see the first movie? (The Clack Pearl)
Yes,I loved it
Yes, it was a waste of money
No, but I wanted to
No, and I'm glad
Did you go see the second one? (Dead Man's Chest)
Describe the fullness of the movie theater during the second movie.
Jam packed, not a seat in the house
Pretty full, but room for some more
Sparsly populated, there was room to spread out
Ghost town, you were the only ones there
Which of the following best describes when went to see the second movie?
The 12am showing
The first day or night
Within the first weekend of showing
Within the first week of showing
Within the first month of showing
Later than that
Who did you go with?
With a date
One or more of the above
By itself, did you like the second movie?
I loved it
It was okay
I found it boring
It was a waste of money
Now, compare it to the first movie, which was better?
The first one, deffinately
The second one deffinately
They were about the same
They both sucked
Last question, do you want to see the the third one once it comes out?
Haven't decided yet
This poll was created on 2006-07-18 12:30:28 by broadwaygeek