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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest!

Looking for the old results?
I just wanted to know if you saw it and whether or not you liked it!

First, did you see the first movie? (The Clack Pearl)

87% (7) Yes,I loved it
12% (1) Yes, it was a waste of money
0% (0) No, but I wanted to
0% (0) No, and I'm glad

8 voters have answered this question.

Did you go see the second one? (Dead Man's Chest)

88% (8) Yes
11% (1) No

9 voters have answered this question.

Describe the fullness of the movie theater during the second movie.

33% (3) Jam packed, not a seat in the house
44% (4) Pretty full, but room for some more
22% (2) Sparsly populated, there was room to spread out
0% (0) Ghost town, you were the only ones there

9 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following best describes when went to see the second movie?

0% (0) The 12am showing
11% (1) The first day or night
22% (2) Within the first weekend of showing
33% (3) Within the first week of showing
11% (1) Within the first month of showing
22% (2) Later than that

9 voters have answered this question.

Who did you go with?

30% (3) Friends
40% (4) Family
0% (0) Alone
10% (1) With a date
20% (2) One or more of the above

10 voters have answered this question.

By itself, did you like the second movie?

55% (5) I loved it
33% (3) It was okay
11% (1) I found it boring
0% (0) It was a waste of money

9 voters have answered this question.

Now, compare it to the first movie, which was better?

44% (4) The first one, deffinately
11% (1) The second one deffinately
33% (3) They were about the same
11% (1) They both sucked

9 voters have answered this question.

Last question, do you want to see the the third one once it comes out?

87% (7) Yes
12% (1) No
0% (0) Haven't decided yet

8 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-07-18 12:30:28 by broadwaygeek
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