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What do you think (Girls only)

I just want to know....
Girls, if you knew a guy at your school who had a very hot body, was smart, and was nice to you but was kinda shy and not really good-looking, would you ask him out?
I'd have to know more.
Maybe, but leaning toward yes.
I don't ask people out.
Maybe, but leaning toward no.
No! Of course not!
Girls, if you knew a guy at your school who had a very hot body, was smart, and was nice to you but was kinda shy and not really good-looking, what would you THINK (not say out loud) if he asked you out?
Oh, my god! I can't believe he's asking me out (flattered, in a good way)
Oh, my god! I can't believe he's asking me out (flattered, in a bad way)
No, of course not!!
Uhhh....I don't date
Quick, think of an excuse!
He seems very nice, and I'd like to get to know him more, so yes!
I have to say yes so I don't hurt his feelings.
I don't know, and I need longer to think.
Girls, if you knew a guy at your school who had a very hot body, was smart, and was nice to you but was kinda shy and not really good-looking, what would you say back to him?
Yeah, sure (reluctantly)
Yeah, sure! (excited)
I'll have to think about it (in other words, NO)
I'll have to think about it (in other words, yes!)
No way! Get away from me!
Sorry, but I'm not allowed to date (a made-up excuse)
Sorry, but we're not right for each other (an excuse)
Sorry, but we're not right for each other (the truth)
I'd make up an excuse.
I'd say no, but hook him up with a friend to be nice.
Girls, if a guy receives 1st Team All League honors in a less popular sport, like Cross Country or Tennis, are you impressed?
What's 1st Team All-League?
What's Cross country?
No, I only like football, basketball, or baseball players.
No, those sports are easier than football, basketball, or baseball.
I don't like jocks.
Yeah, kinda.
Wow, he must work really hard to be so good at his sport! I'm impressed!
This poll was created on 2007-02-24 23:55:51 by ngxdjklfvnlzsvjhlzs