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What do you think (Girls only)

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I just want to know....

Girls, if you knew a guy at your school who had a very hot body, was smart, and was nice to you but was kinda shy and not really good-looking, would you ask him out?

14% (3) I'd have to know more.
9% (2) Yes!
9% (2) Maybe, but leaning toward yes.
42% (9) I don't ask people out.
9% (2) Maybe, but leaning toward no.
0% (0) No! Of course not!
14% (3) No.

21 voters have answered this question.

Girls, if you knew a guy at your school who had a very hot body, was smart, and was nice to you but was kinda shy and not really good-looking, what would you THINK (not say out loud) if he asked you out?

52% (11) Oh, my god! I can't believe he's asking me out (flattered, in a good way)
0% (0) Oh, my god! I can't believe he's asking me out (flattered, in a bad way)
28% (6) Yes!
4% (1) No.
0% (0) No, of course not!!
4% (1) Uhhh....I don't date
9% (2) Quick, think of an excuse!
38% (8) He seems very nice, and I'd like to get to know him more, so yes!
9% (2) I have to say yes so I don't hurt his feelings.
0% (0) Run!
14% (3) I don't know, and I need longer to think.

21 voters have answered this question.

Girls, if you knew a guy at your school who had a very hot body, was smart, and was nice to you but was kinda shy and not really good-looking, what would you say back to him?

9% (2) Yeah, sure (reluctantly)
33% (7) Yeah, sure! (excited)
4% (1) I'll have to think about it (in other words, NO)
33% (7) I'll have to think about it (in other words, yes!)
0% (0) No way! Get away from me!
4% (1) Sorry, but I'm not allowed to date (a made-up excuse)
0% (0) Sorry, but we're not right for each other (an excuse)
4% (1) Sorry, but we're not right for each other (the truth)
4% (1) No.
4% (1) I'd make up an excuse.
4% (1) I'd say no, but hook him up with a friend to be nice.

21 voters have answered this question.

Girls, if a guy receives 1st Team All League honors in a less popular sport, like Cross Country or Tennis, are you impressed?

0% (0) What's 1st Team All-League?
0% (0) What's Cross country?
0% (0) No, I only like football, basketball, or baseball players.
4% (1) No, those sports are easier than football, basketball, or baseball.
19% (4) I don't like jocks.
28% (6) Yeah, kinda.
19% (4) Yes.
28% (6) Wow, he must work really hard to be so good at his sport! I'm impressed!

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-02-24 23:55:51 by ngxdjklfvnlzsvjhlzs
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