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New School Rules/Punishments

This is my adaption from a poll from another user (2 put together, actually.), which I thought was a good idea. Since that poll is pretty much lost to time, I'm remaking it with a few changes.

Are you a male or female?

69% (63) Male
30% (28) Female

91 voters have answered this question.

How old?

3% (3) 9 or under
48% (44) 10-15
31% (29) 16-20
7% (7) 21-25
0% (0) 26-30
3% (3) 31-40
2% (2) 41-50
3% (3) 51 or over

91 voters have answered this question.

What country are you from? (State if you're in the US)

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91 voters have answered this question.

Are you currently in school?

85% (78) I'm still a student
14% (13) I graduated
0% (0) I teach at a school
0% (0) My kids go to school

91 voters have answered this question.

First of all, instead of having an official uniform, our school would have some certain clothing restrictions. In order to prevent distraction from education, students must dress cleanly and "properly". To start, boys could not wear jeans, but would be allowed T-shirts, sweatshirts, ect. Girls would be required to wear a skirt or dress. What would you think of this rule?

36% (33) This is a good idea. I approve.
26% (24) I like the idea, but some changes could be made.
8% (8) I don't care about it.
15% (14) I would dislike it, but accept it.
6% (6) I would greatly dislike this rule, and sometimes break it.
6% (6) This would cause me to move to a different school.

91 voters have answered this question.

Why do you like/dislike this rule?

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61 voters have answered this question.

In order to help keep concentration on education, our school would be clean at all times to create a comfortable atmosphere for the students. To keep this rule, students would not allowed to wear their streets shoes inside. Rather, they may keep a pair of slippers at school and change into them once they got there. What do you think of this rule?

47% (43) This is a good rule. I approve.
16% (15) This is a good rule, but not really necessary.
7% (7) I don't care about it.
12% (11) I would dislike it, but accept it.
7% (7) I would greatly dislike this rule, and sometimes break it.
8% (8) This would cause me to move to a different school.

91 voters have answered this question.

Why do you like/dislike this rule?

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58 voters have answered this question.

Given this rule, what would be your footwear choice when it's warm/summer?

23% (21) I would keep slippers at school and always wear them.
6% (6) I would have slippers in school, but ignore them if I was late and go to my first class in socks.
4% (4) I would have slippers in school, but ignore them if I was late and spend the day in socks.
4% (4) I would have slippers in school, but sometimes I would ignore them and just go in socks.
1% (1) I would have slippers in school, but I would usually not use them. Instead, I'd just wear socks.
3% (3) I would have slippers in school, but I would usually not wear them. Instead, I'd just wear socks, and sometimes I would remove my socks and go barefoot.
8% (8) I would not have any slippers in school. I would mostly wear my socks, but sometimes I'd take them off and go barefoot.
7% (7) I would not have any slippers in school; I'd always wear socks.
26% (24) I would not have any slippers in school; I'd always go barefoot.
14% (13) I would not obey the rule and usually wear street shoes anyway.

91 voters have answered this question.

Explain your choice.

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57 voters have answered this question.

Given that rule, what would be your footwear choice when it's cold/winter?

27% (25) I would keep slippers ay school and always wear them.
7% (7) I would have slippers in school, but ignore them if I was late and go to my first class in socks.
2% (2) I would have slippers in school, but ignore them if I was late and spend the day in socks.
3% (3) I would have slippers in school, but sometimes I would ignore them and wear socks.
1% (1) I would have slippers in school, but I'd usually not wear them, Instead, I'd wear socks.
2% (2) I would have slippers in school, but I'd usually not wear them. Instead, I'd just wear socks and sometimes I would remove my socks and go barefoot.
7% (7) I would not have any slippers in school. I would mostly wear socks, but sometimes I'd take them off and go barefoot.
8% (8) I would not have slippers in school; I'd always wear socks.
19% (18) I would not have slippers in school; I'd always go barefoot.
19% (18) I would not obey the rule and usually wear street shoes anyway.

91 voters have answered this question.

Explain your choice.

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58 voters have answered this question.

As a possible alternative to the slipper rule, our school may issue a certain type of sandals, which would be completely optional. These sandals would still remain school property if used by students, and a student may not have slippers and sandals at the same time. There would be a small fee at the beginning of he year to rent them. The sandals could not be worn outside of school. If the sandals are damaged or became too dirty to have inside, the student would have to pay extra for them, and would not be allowed any type of shoe inside the building. If this rule were made, would you get the sandals? Explain you answer t the bottom. (If any future questions involve footwear, then the sandals will not be included as an option.)

14% (13) I would get them and use them frequently.
10% (9) I would get them, but only use them as often as I would slippers.
23% (21) I would use slippers instead.
48% (43) I wouldn't use either footwear option.
32% (29) (Explain your answer here)

89 voters have answered this question.

On the first Friday of every month, our school would have a fire drill, and all staff and students would have to evacuate onto the football field. After some time, everyone would be allowed back in.To keep it real, there would be no forewarning that a Drill would happen during that day (Though it would be announced the day before.). Like in most schools, students would not be allowed to bring their bags or bring any outdoor clothing with them (Coats, ect.). This also means that students would not be able to change into their street shoes while we are having the drill. (Also, if slippers have gotten wet or dirty, they cannot be worn inside and you'll have to without. If socks are wet/dirty, then you'll have to go in slippers without socks or bare feet.) What do you think of this?

48% (44) I like this idea; Fire Drills are important, and we need to keep them real as possible.
23% (21) Fire Drills are important, but this is only necessary a few times per year.
2% (2) Fire Drills are important, but there should be some forewarning on the day that it happens.
13% (12) I'm neutral on the idea.
5% (5) I don't like this, but I will accept it.
7% (7) I would hate to have this.

91 voters have answered this question.

It is a warm summer day and there is a Fire Drill scheduled today. Knowing that you're going outside, would you change your footwear habits?

25% (23) No. I would probably wear slippers.
13% (12) No. I would probably wear my socks.
21% (20) No. I would probably be barefoot.
6% (6) I would forget about the drill. I'd most likely be in slippers.
2% (2) I would forget about the drill. I'd most likely be in socks.
10% (10) I would forget about the drill. I'd most likely be barefoot.
2% (2) Yes. I would make sure to wear slippers.
6% (6) Yes. I would make sure to leave my slippers and wear socks only.
10% (10) Yes. I would make sure to leave my slippers and go barefoot.

91 voters have answered this question.

Explain your answer.

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51 voters have answered this question.

It is a cold, rainy day and there is a Fire Drill scheduled today. Knowing that you're going outside, would you change your footwear habits?

29% (27) No. I would probably wear my slippers.
13% (12) No. I would probably wear my socks.
4% (4) No. I would wear socks, but I'd bring a backup pair because they'd likely get wet outside.
16% (15) No. I would probably be barefoot that day.
5% (5) I'd probably forget the drill. I would likely be wearing slippers.
0% (0) I'd probably forget the drill. I would probably wear socks on that day.
7% (7) I'd forget the drill. I would probably be barefoot.
3% (3) Yes. I'd make sure to wear slippers that day.
8% (8) Yes. I'd make sure to wear socks that day, and also bring a backup pair.
10% (10) Yes. I'd make sure to go barefoot on that day.

91 voters have answered this question.

Explain your answer.

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49 voters have answered this question.

It is a cold, snowy day and there is a Fire Drill scheduled today. Knowing that you're going outside, would you change your footwear habits?

26% (24) No. I would most likely wear slippers.
9% (9) No. I would most likely wear socks.
4% (4) No. I would wear socks, and bring a backup pair because they will probably get wet.
13% (12) No. I would probably be barefoot.
4% (4) I would probably forget about the drill. I would likely wear slippers.
2% (2) I would probably forget about the drill. I would likely wear socks.
7% (7) I would probably forget about the drill. I would likely be barefoot.
5% (5) Yes. I would be sure to wear slippers that day.
3% (3) Yes. I would be sure to wear socks on that day.
10% (10) Yes. I would be sure to wear socks that day, and bring a backup pair.
12% (11) Yes. I would be sure to go barefoot on that day.

91 voters have answered this question.

Explain your answer

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50 voters have answered this question.

The PE uniform would consist of the school colors; blue and gold. For that reason, the PE shorts and shirt would each only be one of the colors, but which is which is completely up to the student. What would you choose?

38% (35) Gold shirt; Blue shorts
34% (31) Blue shirt; Gold shorts
18% (17) No shirt; Blue shorts (Male only)
8% (8) No shirt; Gold shorts (Male only)

91 voters have answered this question.

Despite having a strict PE outfit, footwear would be optional. What would you generally wear during outdoor PE?

35% (32) Trainers with socks
9% (9) Trainers without socks
3% (3) Plimsolls with ankle socks
3% (3) Plimsolls without socks
7% (7) Socks only
8% (8) Whatever footwear I happen to be wearing that day.
31% (29) Bare feet

91 voters have answered this question.

What would be your general footwear choice during indoor PE?

24% (22) Trainers with socks
4% (4) Trainers without socks
9% (9) Plimsolls with ankle socks
2% (2) Plimsolls without socks
12% (11) Socks only
5% (5) Whatever footwear I happen to be wearing that day.
41% (38) Bare feet.

91 voters have answered this question.

If a student were to forget their PE suits, then that would result in them doing PE in their underwear. What do you think of this?

49% (45) That's fair. I would accept that.
8% (8) I wouldn't care.
31% (29) I would hate that.
9% (9) I would choose a different school because of this.

91 voters have answered this question.

Given the rule, would you be more careful not to forget your PE kit?

37% (34) Absolutely. I would always have it.
24% (22) Yes, but I might still forget occasionally.
5% (5) Sure, but I'd still forget frequently.
9% (9) I'd rarely forget my PE anyway.
5% (5) No, I would still forget it on occasion.
4% (4) No, I would still lose it quite often.
13% (12) I would leave my kit on purpose so that I could participate in PE in my underwear.

91 voters have answered this question.

If you were to forget your PE kit one day, how would you feel? Would there be any difference between doing outdoor or indoor PE?

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59 voters have answered this question.

Regarding the swimming unit in PE, there would be a locker room that would be used for the pool and pool alone. That way, no one would have to go through different rooms with their body showing (If they are self-conscious). Because the floor around the pool is mostly wet, all students who wish to cross to the locker room must have their feet bare; (To prevent getting the floors outside of the room wet) socks and slippers would be left at the entrance, and PE shoes would have to be carried. What do you think of this?

43% (40) I like this idea.
21% (20) I like the concept, though the rule would not be necessary.
18% (17) I would be indifferent.
4% (4) I would dislike the rule, but accept it.
7% (7) I would hate the rule and try to break it.
3% (3) I would switch schools because of this.

91 voters have answered this question.

If you weren't reminded of this rule, how likely would it be that you'd forget?

30% (28) I wouldn't forget. I would make sure to remove my footwear at the entrance every day.
24% (22) I would try to remember, but still might slip up occasionally.
6% (6) I would forget quite frequently.
19% (18) I would frequently walk into the pool area with footwear on despite the rule.
18% (17) This rule doesn't effect me much; I would usually go barefoot no matter where I was in school.

91 voters have answered this question.

In order to keep our punishments fair, students would be issued a punishment packet, which they would answer and then turn back in to the teachers. Each student would select a punishment for breaking certain rules. Then, the majority vote would decide the punishments for that semester. Therefore, if a student werer to break a rule, they would face a consequence that they (Or their classmates) have chosen. What do you think of this?

38% (35) I think that's a great idea.
25% (23) I don't see why not.
7% (7) I wouldn't care.
17% (16) Punishments should be chosen by teachers, not students.
10% (10) I think this should only be necessary for certain kinds of punishments.

91 voters have answered this question.

Given that rule, what would you choose for being late to class?

6% (6) Writing 10 lines for each minute late
1% (1) Writing 20 lines for each minute late
12% (11) 3 smacks with a ruler for each minute late
13% (12) 5 smacks with a ruler, regardless of time
4% (4) 10 jumping jacks for each minute late
3% (3) 30 jumping jacks, regardless of time
4% (4) Running 3 laps around the football field during the next passing period for each minute late (Regardless of weather unless snowing.) in the same clothes that you wore in the building, not PE suit (Excluding footwear.)
14% (13) Running 5 laps around the football field during the next passing period for each minute late (Regardless of weather unless snowing.) in the same clothes that you wore in the building, not PE suit (Excluding footwear.)
7% (7) Lunch detention; allowed to work on homework and eat, nothing else.
4% (4) Lunch detention; allowed to eat, nothing else.
28% (26) Surrendering your footwear and spending the rest of the day in bare feet.

91 voters have answered this question.

Why did you chose what you did?

13% (12) I chose the mildest.
45% (41) I chose a fair punishment.
18% (17) I deliberately chose a harsh one.
23% (21) That's not much of a punishment at all; it's actually enjoyable.

91 voters have answered this question.

If a student were late 4 minutes or more to class, or was late coming to school in the morning (Without a good reason, of course), what should be his/her punishment? Select all that apply.

23% (21) Writing a 2-page essay on why you happened to be late
19% (18) One hour of Basic Detention after school; student would stay in a class, allowed to do homework during that time.
17% (16) Half an hour of Detention after school; not allowed to talk, do homework, or anything. Just sit at a desk.
25% (23) 15 minutes of Severe Detention; back against the wall, not allowed to speak or move form position.
13% (12) Coming to school early for the next 3 days
15% (14) Coming to school early for the next 5 days
14% (13) Taking a cold shower for 10 minutes
6% (6) Running 7 laps around the football field at the end of class (Regardless of weather unless snowing) in the clothes that you came in (Except footwear).
19% (18) Running 10 laps around the football field at the end of class (Regardless of weather unless snowing) in the clothes that you came in (Except footwear).
16% (15) Being forced to attend school barefoot (Including indoor/outdoor PE) for the next 3 days. No exceptions.
26% (24) Being forced to attend school barefoot (Including indoor/outdoor PE) for the next 5 days. No exceptions.
27% (25) Being forced to attend school in your underwear (Including PE class) for the next 5 days. No exceptions.

91 voters have answered this question.

Why did you choose what you did?

10% (10) I chose the mildest punishment.
42% (39) I chose a fair one.
28% (26) I chose one of the harshest ones
17% (16) That's not much of a punishment; It's actually enjoyable

91 voters have answered this question.

With the above rules in effect, would you try to make it to class on time?

35% (32) Certainly! I would hate getting punished like that!
38% (35) I would try to come on time, but still be occasionally late.
7% (7) No. I'm in class on time anyway.
3% (3) No. I'll still be late just as often.
15% (14) I would be late on purpose just to receive the punishment.

91 voters have answered this question.

What would be your choice for dress code violations?

12% (11) Going for 3 days without the violated clothing item. (If you were to wear jeans, you would go without pants)
14% (13) Going for 5 days without the violated clothing item. (If you were to wear jeans, you would go without pants)
3% (3) Coming to school in your underwear for the next day.
9% (9) Coming to school in your underwear for the next 3 days.
13% (12) Writing a 4-page essay on why you decided to break the dress code.
7% (7) 10 whacks on your rear with a wood ruler.
9% (9) 10 whacks on your bare behind with a wood ruler.
7% (7) 7 whacks on the soles of your feet with a wood ruler. (Socks)
21% (20) 7 whacks on the bare soles of your feet with a wood ruler. (Feet can be very sensitive parts of the body)

91 voters have answered this question.

Why did you choose that punishment?

12% (11) I took the mildest punishment.
46% (42) I took a fair one.
27% (25) I took a harsh one.
14% (13) That's not much of a punishment; it's actually fun.

91 voters have answered this question.

With the above rule in effect, would you try harder not to break the dress code?

31% (29) Absolutely! I don't like the idea of getting punished like that!
40% (37) I would try harder, but still might make mistakes.
7% (7) No. I follow the dress standards anyway.
5% (5) No. I'd still break the code occasionally.
14% (13) I would break the code on purpose just to receive the punishment.

91 voters have answered this question.

If you had to break the dress code, which clothing article would you change?

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54 voters have answered this question.

What would be the punishment for wearing street shoes inside the school building? (Multiple punishments may be selected, maximum of 3)

13% (12) Being banned from wearing shoes for the next 5 days
20% (19) Being banned from wearing shoes for the next 7 days
12% (11) Being forced to attend school barefoot for 5 days
36% (33) Being forced to attend school barefoot for 7 days
38% (35) Street shoes and socks being confiscated; the student would spend the day and return home barefoot (Regardless of weather/ travel method) and the footwear would be returned at the end of the next day.
14% (13) Up to 6 whacks on the soles of the student's feet (Socks or bare)
39% (36) Up to 10 whacks on the soles of the student's feet (Socks or bare)
28% (26) A 2-page essay on why the student chose to break the dress code, assigned for homework

91 voters have answered this question.

Why did you pick that option?

13% (12) I took the mildest punishment.
40% (37) I chose the fairest punishment.
30% (28) I decided on a harsh one.
15% (14) That's not much of a punishment; it's actually fun.

91 voters have answered this question.

With that punishment in effect, would you follow the street shoes rule?

24% (22) Absolutely. The punishment sounds simply awful.
31% (29) I would break the rule occasionally and try not to get caught; I don't like the punishment.
8% (8) I would break the rule occasionally and not mind getting the punishment.
9% (9) I would break the rule on purpose just to get punished.
10% (10) I would adhere to the footwear rule anyway.
14% (13) This rule has little effect on me; I'd rarely wear shoes in school anyway.

91 voters have answered this question.

What would be the punishment for being very rude to a teacher or repeatedly disrupting class? (Multiple may be selected, maximum of 2)

4% (4) A 4-page essay on why you decided to be rude to a teacher.
16% (15) A 5-page essay on why you decided to be rude to a teacher.
7% (7) 5-10 smacks with a wood ruler on your behind, depending on the teacher's decision.
30% (28) 5-10 smacks with a wood ruler on your bare behind, number depending on teacher's decision.
8% (8) An hour and 30 minutes of detention after school, allowed to do work
8% (8) One hour and 30 minutes of detention after school, given work to do
19% (18) One hour of detention after school, just sitting there
7% (7) Lunch detention for 3 days; at an individual table, isolated from all classmates
10% (10) Lunch detention for 5 days; at an individual table, isolated from all classmates
6% (6) Running 3 laps around the school's football field during the next passing period, regardless of weather (Unless snowing) and clothing.
24% (22) Running 5 laps around the school's football field during the next passing period, regardless of weather (Unless snowing) and clothing.
8% (8) A 5-minute cold shower, taken immediately with a teacher escorting you there and back.
16% (15) A 7-minute cold shower, taken during the next passing period with a teacher escorting you there and back.
14% (13) During the next 3 days, the student would have to wear a certain "uniform", consisting of a white T-shirt and white gym shorts, no shoes allowed. The shorts would be barely above knee-length, and the shirt would read "Misbehavior"
41% (38) During the next 5 days, the student would have to wear a certain "uniform", consisting of a white T-shirt and white gym shorts, no shoes allowed. The shorts would be barely above knee-length, and the shirt would read "Misbehavior"

91 voters have answered this question.

Why did you pick what you did?

12% (11) I took the mildest punishment available.
51% (47) I chose a fair one.
28% (26) I chose a harsh punishment.
7% (7) That's not much of a punishment; it's actually fun.

91 voters have answered this question.

With this punishment in effect, would you try harder not to be rude?

37% (34) Of course. I would try my best not to get punished.
26% (24) I would try harder, but I would still slip up occasionally.
10% (10) I would try harder, but I would still slip up frequently.
14% (13) I'm generally not rude to teachers anyway.
4% (4) I would not try any harder to be good.
6% (6) I would be rude to teachers on purpose, just to receive the punishment.

91 voters have answered this question.

Imagine that you come into school one day wearing a shirt that is forbidden by the dress code, along with jeans. Then a teacher catches you. As your punishment, you would be required to attend school in your underwear for the rest of today and tomorrow. What would be your first reaction?

10% (10) I would gladly rip off my clothes and shoes on the spot.
31% (29) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would first remove my shoes and socks, and then slip out of my shirt and pants and surrender them to the teacher.
18% (17) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would go into a restroom stall first, and then strip off my clothes.
27% (25) I would beg to be punished differently.
10% (10) I would remain in my underclothes for one extra day. two and a half days are not enough.

91 voters have answered this question.

Imagine that you come to school one day, and remain in your street shoes rather then changing into slippers or socks. As your punishment, you are required to hand your shoes to the teacher and spend the rest of the day barefoot, including going home. You have to walk home today, and it is bitterly cold outside. How do you react? (Assume that you have to walk more than one block)

18% (17) I would happily kick of my shoes and socks and hand them to the teacher, and then walk home shoeless despite the temperature.
41% (38) I would reluctantly surrender my footwear to the teacher, and then endure the cold with my bare feet.
19% (18) I would beg to be punished differently.
19% (18) I would hand over my shoes and socks and later tread home in the cold barefoot. I would also walk to school the next day and then return home with my bare feet. One short day is not enough punishment.

91 voters have answered this question.

Imagine that you are 3 minutes late for class one day. Your punishment would be 3 smacks on your rear for each minute late, for a grand total of 9. What would you do?

16% (15) I would drop down and get ready for the hits. How hard could they be?
53% (49) I would accept the punishment, nervously getting into position.
15% (14) I would beg to be punished differently.
14% (13) I would also voluntarily lower my pants. It's supposed to hurt, isn't it?

91 voters have answered this question.

Imagine that one day, you remained in your street shoes rather than changing into slippers or socks. A teacher catches you. As you punishment, you would have to lay down on the floor with your feet bare and propped up by books. Someone would then smack the soles of your feet 10 times as hard as they could, and you would then spend the rest of the day shoeless, allowed to wear footwear only after the last bell rings. What would you do?

15% (14) I would strip off my shoes and socks myself and get into position quickly. Give me all that you've got teacher!
34% (31) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would get into position and have my shoes taken off for me, ready for the pain in my bare soles.
24% (22) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would kick off my footwear and get into position myself. Let's get this over with already...
14% (13) I would beg to be punished differently.
12% (11) I would remove my shoes and socks and get into position, demanding an extra 5 whacks. 10 would simply not be enough.

91 voters have answered this question.

Imagine that you were rude to a teacher during class, and the next day you received your punishment. Starting on that day and for the next 5 days, you would be forced to wear a white T-shirt with "Misbehaved" written boldly on the front, and white gym shorts that were slightly shorter than knee-length, no shoes or socks. How would you react?

16% (15) I would rip off my current clothes and change into the "uniform" on the spot. This is the first time they ever let me wear this clothe type in the building!
24% (22) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would take off my shoes and clothes and change right in front of the teacher, and then surrender my clothing.
31% (29) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would give my shoes and socks to the teacher right there, and then proceed to change the rest of the way in a restroom stall.
14% (13) I would beg to be punished differently.
13% (12) I would change my clothes inside the school building, and continue to wear the punishment uniform when I came home, coming to school in it every day.

91 voters have answered this question.

Imagine that you were 6 minutes late for class. As your punishment, you would have to take a cold shower for 10 minutes, with a teacher escorting you there and back. You don't have swimming clothes with you. Showers are only slightly blurred from vision, and are visible form the pool locker rooms. There is also a swimming class currently taking place. What would you do?

12% (11) I would rush to the shower, strip completely, and stay in there for 10 minutes. Maybe some water is just what I need.
25% (23) I would accept the punishment. I would remove all my clothes and shower naked.
17% (16) I would accept the punishment. I would strip down until I only had underwear, and shower that way. I would not wear underwear for the rest of the day, and change in private in PE class.
3% (3) I would accept the punishment. I would only remove my _____ (Specify), and then spend the rest of the day with that article(s) of clothing wet.
6% (6) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would shower fully dressed, and then spend the rest of the day without wearing ____ (Specify)
13% (12) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would shower fully dressed, and then I would spend the rest of the day in my PE uniform and bare feet.
7% (7) I would accept the punishment. I would shower fully clothed and then spend the day in wet clothing.
14% (13) I would beg to be punished differently.

91 voters have answered this question.

Imagine that you are 6 minutes late for class. As you punishment, you would be forced to run 7 laps on a dirt track that circles the football field. you don't have your PE clothes, and you also don't have proper footwear to run. It is slightly cold and raining, making the dirt trail soft and slightly muddy. What would you do?

9% (9) I would instantly start charging around the track. Time to get rid of all this energy!
13% (12) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would run around the field in my clothes and slippers. Running may be awkward, but at least I don't have to touch the ground.
25% (23) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would remove my shoes and run the track in my socks. I'll get the socks dirty and won't be able to wear them inside, but at least I can run correctly.
43% (40) I would accept the punishment without argument. I would strip the shoes and socks off my feet and run the laps barefoot. I might get my feet muddy and I'll have to feel the wet dirt on the track on my bare soles, but at least I can run properly.
14% (13) I would beg to be punished differently.
18% (17) I would run 2 extra laps. 7 is not enough. (Select one of the above as well)

91 voters have answered this question.

Does your current school (Or any schools you've been to in the past) have any of these rules?

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60 voters have answered this question.

Anything else to say?

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46 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-11-16 21:03:42 by the unknown
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