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Going barefoot at school

Title explains it

Do you ever take your shoes and socks off at school?

63% (98) Always
27% (43) Sometimes
5% (8) Rarely
3% (5) Never

154 voters have answered this question.

If you do, does your school allow barefeet?

17% (27) There is actually a rule requiring everyone to go barefoot
47% (73) There is no rule against it
14% (23) There is no rule against it but the teachers don't like it
20% (31) There is a rule against it but I manage to get around that

154 voters have answered this question.

How soon after you arrive do you take your shoes and socks off

35% (55) I actually walk to school barefoot
12% (19) I take them off in the car/bus
15% (24) It's the first thing I do when I enter the school
31% (49) I do it in a class
4% (7) I do it at lunch

154 voters have answered this question.

Where do you put your shoes and socks after you've taken them off?

35% (55) Silly, I walk to school barefoot!
23% (36) I carry them around with me
2% (4) I leave them in the car/bus
38% (59) I leave them in my locker

154 voters have answered this question.

Do you do P.E. barefoot?

51% (79) Yes, everyone has to go barefoot for it
10% (16) No, it requires shoes and socks
38% (59) It requires shoes and socks but I make up excuses to go barefoot

154 voters have answered this question.

Do you do Drama barefoot?

59% (91) Yes, everyone has to go barefoot for it
14% (22) No, it requires shoes and socks
26% (41) It requires shoes and socks but I make up excuses to go barefoot

154 voters have answered this question.

Do you get any comments from people about your barefeet?

31% (49) "Why are you barefoot?"
6% (10) "Where are your socks?"
12% (20) "Put some shoes on!"
48% (75) None of these

154 voters have answered this question.

When you go to school in the winter do you still go barefoot?

77% (119) Yes, I can't wait for the moment to take off those snowy boots and hateful socks!
22% (35) No, I keep my footwear on because my feet get too cold

154 voters have answered this question.

Does anyone else in your class, or school, go barefoot?

21% (33) No, just me
9% (15) Yes, one other person
41% (64) Yes, a few people
10% (16) Yes, most people
16% (26) Yes, everyone

154 voters have answered this question.

Why do you go barefoot at school?

33% (51) School has carpet floors so it only made sense to go barefoot
49% (76) School has cold tile floor but I love the feeling under my bare soles
20% (31) School makes me
16% (26) Footwear got wet/messy
62% (97) Footwear is just not comfortable to me

154 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-07-04 06:51:21 by canadiangurl941
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