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One shoe at school

A poll to see how many boys have wore one shoe to school are at school and why

How old are you

26% (22) 12
20% (17) 13
21% (18) 14
8% (7) 15
6% (5) 16
16% (14) 17

83 voters have answered this question.

What size shoe do you wear _____

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80 voters have answered this question.

What country are you from _____

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79 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever left one shoe at home and went to school

78% (63) Yes
21% (17) No

80 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever wore one shoe after you got to school if so why

22% (17) Some stole one
24% (19) Just took it off because
41% (32) Lost one shoe
11% (9) Other

77 voters have answered this question.

If other why

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17 voters have answered this question.

If you left your shoe at home why

43% (25) Just want to wear one shoe
0% (0) Lost a beat
17% (10) Hurt my foot and couldn't wear my shoe
10% (6) My parents made me
1% (1) My girl friend ask me to
27% (16) Other

58 voters have answered this question.

If other why

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12 voters have answered this question.

What do you wear on your shoeless foot

58% (46) Barefoot
24% (19) White sports sock
3% (3) White no show sock
3% (3) White ankle sock
1% (1) Black sports sock
2% (2) Black no show sock
3% (3) Black ankle sock
2% (2) Other

79 voters have answered this question.

What kind of shoe _____

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66 voters have answered this question.

What color shoe _____

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67 voters have answered this question.

How often do you wear one to school in days

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51 voters have answered this question.

Which shoe do you wear

61% (45) Left
38% (28) Right

73 voters have answered this question.

Why do you wear one shoe

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45 voters have answered this question.

If you have a story of wearing one shoe please tell about it here are you can email me at blazes190@yahoo.com

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19 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-10-30 08:47:28 by Blaze190
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