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Adult Children living at home

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I am 30 years old and just moved in with my in-laws, my 13 year old sister-in-law and mother-in-law says that I need some rules and punishment. What rules and punishments should adult children or kids-in-law have living at home?

First question, my mother-in-law says that as long as I am in her house I must follow her rules and do as I am told. Do you agree with this?

95% (694) Yes that is the way it should be.
4% (31) No you are an adult you should be able to do whatever you want.

725 voters have answered this question.

If you agree that I should have rules, should there be punishments if I break them?

94% (683) Yes rules are rules if broken punishment follows
5% (42) No you are an adult

725 voters have answered this question.

Now for the rules, should I have a curfew?

79% (583) Yes
20% (146) No

729 voters have answered this question.

If I should have a curfew what time should it be

20% (131) Before 9:00pm
14% (94) 9:00pm
30% (194) 10:00pm
34% (216) After 10:00pm

635 voters have answered this question.

Should I have daily chores while living here?

96% (699) Yes
3% (23) No

722 voters have answered this question.

What should my daily chores be?

95% (681) Keep my room clean
76% (545) Help set the table and do the dishes after dinner
76% (543) Take out the trash
57% (405) Vacuum the floors
78% (558) Help keep the bathroom clean
59% (420) Yard work
25% (180) Other

710 voters have answered this question.

Should I have a bedtime?

14% (102) 9:00pm
16% (117) 10:00pm
21% (158) 10:30pm
14% (106) Later
33% (242) No to old for bedtime

725 voters have answered this question.

Should I ask for permission from my mother-in-law if I leave the house after I get in from work?

70% (507) Yes, she is your boss while you are there
29% (215) No, you are an adult do as you want

722 voters have answered this question.

Should I have permission before I get anything to eat or drink after dinner?

58% (416) Yes, they buy the food
41% (301) No

717 voters have answered this question.

Should I show complete respect and call my MIL by ma'am while I am living here?

76% (549) Yes, you should always have respect and not backtalk her
23% (165) No, there is no need for that

714 voters have answered this question.

Now for the punishments, if I break a rule should I get punished?

62% (448) Yes, everytime you break a rule
8% (62) Yes, but only if rule broken is servere
22% (162) Yes, why have rule if punishment is not given
0% (1) No, they should over look it
5% (42) No, adults should not be punished by parents

715 voters have answered this question.

Should I be grounded while living here?

71% (501) Yes
28% (203) No

704 voters have answered this question.

What should I be grounded from?

74% (408) Grounded to my room
66% (364) television
63% (346) phone
65% (362) computer
63% (347) keys taken away after work
11% (63) other, please post

549 voters have answered this question.

How long should I be grounded for?

14% (80) A few days
20% (118) One week
11% (62) Two weeks
8% (47) One month
45% (255) Depends on what rule is broken

562 voters have answered this question.

Should I have cornertime?

45% (304) Yes at least 30 minutes
31% (209) Yes at least one hour
23% (158) No to old for cornertime

671 voters have answered this question.

Should I be spanked for breaking rules?

49% (355) Yes, if you live under her roof
6% (45) Yes, but only after other punishments have been used
21% (153) Yes, you are to old for breaking rules, it should be done after every rule is broken
8% (63) Yes, if the circumstances are bad enough
14% (104) No, you are to old for that

720 voters have answered this question.

If spanking is done what implements should be used

56% (359) Hand
57% (366) Belt
29% (188) Tree switch
12% (81) Flyswatter
67% (428) Wooden paddle
17% (109) Other

638 voters have answered this question.

How should the spanking be done?

3% (21) Over clothes
7% (48) Pants down and over underware
89% (570) Bare butt

639 voters have answered this question.

Please post any comments or ideas for our living arrangements. Thank you for your votes and comments.

21% (109) I will leave a posted message
78% (402) No, I will not leave a posted message.

511 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-10-23 17:34:39 by cphillips
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