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Avatar the last airbender ships poll

I just want to know how many avatar fans support which ship, or if they support a ship. A ship, in this case is a character love pairing, whether it's official or not.
which avatar the last airbender ship do you support? Check as many as you really support!
none. Girly stuff like that doesn't interest me at all.
Zutara (Zuko + Katara)
Kataang (Katara + Aang)
Jetara (Jet + Katara)
Kataru (Katara + Haru)
Tylokka (Ty Lee + Sokka)
Yuokka (Yue + Sokka)
Sokki (Suki + Sokka)
Tokka (Toph + Sokka)
Maang (Mang + Aang)
Taang (Toph + Aang)
Azokka (Azula + Sokka)
Maiko (Mai + Zuko)
Jetmai (Jet + Mai)
Jinko (Jin + Zuko)
Songko (Song + Zuko)
Moppa (Momo + Appa)
This poll was created on 2007-06-30 10:34:24 by Genchan