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Avatar the last airbender ships poll

Looking for the old results?
I just want to know how many avatar fans support which ship, or if they support a ship. A ship, in this case is a character love pairing, whether it's official or not.

which avatar the last airbender ship do you support? Check as many as you really support!

3% (11) none. Girly stuff like that doesn't interest me at all.
43% (141) Zutara (Zuko + Katara)
47% (153) Kataang (Katara + Aang)
6% (22) Jetara (Jet + Katara)
3% (10) Kataru (Katara + Haru)
12% (41) Tylokka (Ty Lee + Sokka)
12% (41) Yuokka (Yue + Sokka)
32% (103) Sokki (Suki + Sokka)
26% (86) Tokka (Toph + Sokka)
3% (11) Maang (Mang + Aang)
20% (67) Taang (Toph + Aang)
6% (22) Azokka (Azula + Sokka)
27% (87) Maiko (Mai + Zuko)
4% (16) Jetmai (Jet + Mai)
7% (24) Jinko (Jin + Zuko)
3% (10) Songko (Song + Zuko)
12% (41) Moppa (Momo + Appa)

321 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-06-30 10:34:24 by Genchan
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