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moral issues in politics

a few questions about morality that come up in political discussions
How do you feel about abortion?
It is a woman's right.
It is morally acceptable.
It is a moral evil.
It takes a human life
Laws about it restrict privacy.
Which of these statements do you agree with?
Abortion should be illegal.
Abortion should be legal.
Laws about abortion should be made by the states.
How do you feel about same sex marriage/civil unions?
Homosexuals should be able to join in civil union, but not in marriage.
Homosexuals should have all the same rights as heterosexuals; let them get married.
It should not be allowed.
There should be a constitutional amendment ensuring that marriage is always between a man and a woman.
It is unnatural.
It should be a reserved right of the states to define marriage/ civil unions.
How do you feel about homosexual couples adopting children?
It should be a state law.
It is bad for the children.
It doesn't bother me.
It should be outlawed federally.
It is a perfectly acceptable way to raise children.
This poll was created on 2007-12-30 15:49:29 by chlamydiaddict