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moral issues in politics

a few questions about morality that come up in political discussions

How do you feel about abortion?

22% (19) It is a moral evil.
27% (23) It is morally acceptable.
57% (49) It is a woman's right.
36% (31) It takes a human life
24% (21) Laws about it restrict privacy.

85 voters have answered this question.

Which of these statements do you agree with?

28% (24) Abortion should be illegal.
12% (10) Laws about abortion should be made by the states.
59% (49) Abortion should be legal.

83 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about same sex marriage/civil unions?

17% (15) It should not be allowed.
14% (13) It is unnatural.
9% (8) It should be a reserved right of the states to define marriage/ civil unions.
14% (13) There should be a constitutional amendment ensuring that marriage is always between a man and a woman.
18% (16) Homosexuals should be able to join in civil union, but not in marriage.
63% (55) Homosexuals should have all the same rights as heterosexuals; let them get married.

87 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about homosexual couples adopting children?

29% (25) It is bad for the children.
6% (6) It should be a state law.
18% (16) It should be outlawed federally.
37% (32) It doesn't bother me.
51% (44) It is a perfectly acceptable way to raise children.

86 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-12-30 15:49:29 by chlamydiaddict
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