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Locker Rooms

What goes on inside your locker room (dudes only)

How old are you?

22% (56) Middle Scool
53% (134) High Scool
15% (39) College
9% (23) Done with college

252 voters have answered this question.

How often are you in the lockerroom?

64% (165) Daily
24% (62) Weekly
2% (7) Monthly
7% (20) Hardly ever

254 voters have answered this question.

How are other guys dressed in lockerroom?

12% (32) Everyone's pretty modest
13% (33) Some guys are up tight but everybody else is cool to go bare
23% (60) pretty mixed
50% (127) nudity is cool, no one cares

252 voters have answered this question.

Do guys look?

6% (15) No
38% (97) Some do
40% (100) Most do
15% (38) IDK I never noticed

250 voters have answered this question.

Do you get envious seeing other guys that are hung bigger?

17% (43) Yes
36% (90) No
32% (79) Sometimes
13% (34) Never saw anyone bigger!

246 voters have answered this question.

How many dudes in your school shave?

17% (40) None
41% (97) Less than half
20% (47) More than half
21% (50) Almost all

234 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-02-04 20:02:18 by swordfish17
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