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Ninja Poll 130: Are you an idiot?

On a scale of numbers, just how much of an idiot are you?

7% (3) 10- I can't get my socks on in the mornings.
0% (0) 9
5% (2) 8
0% (0) 7
5% (2) 6
5% (2) 5
12% (5) 4
25% (10) 3
12% (5) 2
15% (6) 1
10% (4) 0- Hi, I'm Stepen Hawking!

39 voters have answered this question.

Can you tell of a situation where you were acting like an idiot? (Not Required)

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6 voters have answered this question.

17% (7) My Misterpoll Username is
82% (32) Anonymous

39 voters have answered this question.

Are your friends idiots too?

12% (5) Yes, all of them.
7% (3) Yes, most of them.
20% (8) Bout half 'n' half
53% (21) No, but there is a few that I worry about.
5% (2) No, none of them are idiots.

39 voters have answered this question.


61% (24) 0-17
23% (9) 18-29
5% (2) 30-39
7% (3) 40-49
2% (1) 50+

39 voters have answered this question.

What is the answer: 1+1=_____

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39 voters have answered this question.

What is the answer: Distance/Speed=_____.

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39 voters have answered this question.

What is the answer: pXp/2m+V=_____

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39 voters have answered this question.

What idiotic experiences have left you thinking that your an idiot?

71% (28) Kept Pushing a Door that said "Pull" (or visa versa).
66% (26) Tripped over nothing.
10% (4) Told your boss that you done & printed that report, when you hadn't started it at all.
17% (7) Waved to a blind guy.
15% (6) Shouted "HELLO????" to a deaf guy.
23% (9) Pushed a red button that said "Do not push".
15% (6) Accidently ate a cake that was for "Everyone".
7% (3) Drooled over your tie.
38% (15) Fell asleep in school/work.
7% (3) Slipped on a banana skin.
51% (20) Walked straight into a lampost.
46% (18) Swallowed some gum.
12% (5) Sold your soul.
23% (9) Keep giggling during the "one minute silence" at some war thing.
10% (4) Told a french man that you hated french guys without realising that he was french.
10% (4) Ate a Banana with the skin still on.
10% (4) Accidently said something to your boss that came off as sexual.
7% (3) Got Drunk off of Non-alcoholic Champane
2% (1) Lost your keys in a key factory.
33% (13) Chewed a pen until it expolded in your mouth.
12% (5) Accidently spat on your neighbor
2% (1) Accidently ran over your neighbor
5% (2) Accidently shot your neighbor
5% (2) Accidently kicked your neighbor when he was moving house away from you!
23% (9) Accidently got elecricuted.
2% (1) Ate what you thought was a soggy chocolate bar... uhhh!
5% (2) Drank what you thought was Apple juice.
41% (16) Banged your head of a self.
17% (7) Got involved in an incident with some cream, some ropes, and that guy you always knew was gay. Nuff said.
35% (14) Accidently told a Child that Santa isn't real.
7% (3) Accidently made a racist joke against black people in a speech before the million man march.
5% (2) Accidently hijacked a school bus of children
5% (2) Accidently killed a stripper.
2% (1) Accidently told your wife "WOW! Look at that chicks ASS!!
10% (4) Sleeped all the time during a conference where you were supposed to be taking notes.
12% (5) Accidently fell asleep on a train and went all the way to the other side of the country.
5% (2) Forgot your anniversy.. again!
7% (3) Forgot her birthday... again!
7% (3) Forgot Christmas... again!
5% (2) Told her you wanted a Threesome with a hottie named Chris.
7% (3) Forgot Chris's Birthday
7% (3) Went to the drug store and asked for Cocaine.
35% (14) Accidently forgot everything for a second.
28% (11) Other#1:
23% (9) Other#2:
23% (9) Other#3:
5% (2) None.

39 voters have answered this question.

Did you like my poll?

30% (12) Extravaganza!
10% (4) Really Sweet.
43% (17) OK
10% (4) not that great
5% (2) bad

39 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-05-23 15:20:06 by Blackninja133
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