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Ninja Poll 130: Are you an idiot?

On a scale of numbers, just how much of an idiot are you?
10- I can't get my socks on in the mornings.
0- Hi, I'm Stepen Hawking!
Can you tell of a situation where you were acting like an idiot? (Not Required)
My Misterpoll Username is
Are your friends idiots too?
Yes, all of them.
Yes, most of them.
Bout half 'n' half
No, but there is a few that I worry about.
No, none of them are idiots.
What is the answer: 1+1=
What is the answer: Distance/Speed= .
What is the answer: pXp/2m+V=
What idiotic experiences have left you thinking that your an idiot?
Kept Pushing a Door that said "Pull" (or visa versa).
Tripped over nothing.
Told your boss that you done & printed that report, when you hadn't started it at all.
Waved to a blind guy.
Shouted "HELLO????" to a deaf guy.
Pushed a red button that said "Do not push".
Accidently ate a cake that was for "Everyone".
Drooled over your tie.
Fell asleep in school/work.
Slipped on a banana skin.
Walked straight into a lampost.
Swallowed some gum.
Sold your soul.
Keep giggling during the "one minute silence" at some war thing.
Told a french man that you hated french guys without realising that he was french.
Ate a Banana with the skin still on.
Accidently said something to your boss that came off as sexual.
Got Drunk off of Non-alcoholic Champane
Lost your keys in a key factory.
Chewed a pen until it expolded in your mouth.
Accidently spat on your neighbor
Accidently ran over your neighbor
Accidently shot your neighbor
Accidently kicked your neighbor when he was moving house away from you!
Accidently got elecricuted.
Ate what you thought was a soggy chocolate bar... uhhh!
Drank what you thought was Apple juice.
Banged your head of a self.
Got involved in an incident with some cream, some ropes, and that guy you always knew was gay. Nuff said.
Accidently told a Child that Santa isn't real.
Accidently made a racist joke against black people in a speech before the million man march.
Accidently hijacked a school bus of children
Accidently killed a stripper.
Accidently told your wife "WOW! Look at that chicks ASS!!
Sleeped all the time during a conference where you were supposed to be taking notes.
Accidently fell asleep on a train and went all the way to the other side of the country.
Forgot your anniversy.. again!
Forgot her birthday... again!
Forgot Christmas... again!
Told her you wanted a Threesome with a hottie named Chris.
Forgot Chris's Birthday
Went to the drug store and asked for Cocaine.
Accidently forgot everything for a second.
Did you like my poll?
Really Sweet.
not that great
This poll was created on 2008-05-23 15:20:06 by Blackninja133