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Cat Toy Survey

Cat owners - do you purchase toys for your feline friends? What type of toys do they enjoy? Where do you purchase them? Please take a brief survey about cat toys...

How many cats do you currently own?

6% (3) None
33% (16) 1
33% (16) 2
10% (5) 3
16% (8) 4 or more

48 voters have answered this question.

How often do you buy toys for your cat?

8% (4) Never
37% (18) Once a year or less
29% (14) A few times a year
18% (9) Every few months
6% (3) About once a month
0% (0) More than once a month

48 voters have answered this question.

Where do you buy toys for your cat? (Check all that apply)

50% (24) Same place I buy my cat food
41% (20) Same place I buy my cat litter
29% (14) Grocery Store
68% (33) Pet Superstore (PetSmart, PetCo, etc.)
10% (5) Local Pet Store (not a Superstore)
45% (22) Target, Walmart, or other non-pet Superstore
6% (3) Drug Store
14% (7) Other
4% (2) I don't purchase cat toys

48 voters have answered this question.

What best describes the one place where you are most likely to buy a cat toy?

10% (5) Grocery Store
50% (24) Pet Superstore (PetSmart, PetCo, etc.)
6% (3) Local Pet Store (not a Superstore)
25% (12) Target, Walmart, or other non-pet Superstore
0% (0) Drug Store
4% (2) Other
4% (2) I don't purchase cat toys

48 voters have answered this question.

What features do you enjoy on a cat toy?

72% (35) Catnip stuffing or catnip scent
29% (14) Real feathers or fur
39% (19) Interactive component (teaser toys)
45% (22) Noises (rattling, squeaking, crinkling, chirping, jingle balls)
25% (12) Scratching pad (encourages appropriate scratching behavior)
6% (3) Cat Treat Dispenser
31% (15) Laser Light(s)
4% (2) Electronic Toys

48 voters have answered this question.

What is the single most important feature for a cat toy?

37% (18) Catnip stuffing or catnip scent
4% (2) Real feathers or fur
29% (14) Interactive component (teaser toys)
16% (8) Noises (rattling, squeaking, crinkling, chirping, jingle balls)
2% (1) Scratching pad (encourages appropriate scratching behavior)
0% (0) Cat Treat Dispenser
6% (3) Laser Light(s)
4% (2) Electronic Toys

48 voters have answered this question.

How many dogs do you own?

64% (31) None
22% (11) 1
8% (4) 2
2% (1) 3
2% (1) 4 or more

48 voters have answered this question.

What are your suggestions for a great cat toy - either an existing product that you would recommend to others, or one that does not exist?

No graph available for this question

26 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-06-24 16:14:09 by CatMan7071
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