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3rd term election

Looking for the old results?
In U.S. last Presidential election, between George W. Bush and Al Gore, we got near an equality and it took over a month to find a winner. Everybody knows that if Bill Clinton would have been able to run for a third term, he would have won easyly. What would we do?

Should the U.S. President been able to run for a third, and even a fouth term (like F.D.R.), and like Walter Cronkite said `Let the people decide`

37% (6) yes
62% (10) no

16 voters have answered this question.

Should Electoral College be abolished, and we have the system, one citizen, one vote like in France

64% (11) yes
35% (6) no

17 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-08-20 18:09:52 by mikeroy58
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