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the gymnastics quiz!

this is a test to see if you have the strength, flexibility, and determination of a gymnast

How many times a week do you work out?

14% (720) once or twice a week
20% (992) 2-4 times a week
17% (833) 3-5 times a week
21% (1049) 4-7 times a week
18% (896) several times a day
6% (332) whenever i remember

4822 voters have answered this question.

would you say you are fit?

39% (1908) yes
41% (2021) YES
4% (234) not really...
1% (52) NOOO!
12% (607) eh...so-so

4822 voters have answered this question.

do you take gymnastcs?

63% (3054) yes
4% (202) no
23% (1116) i want to but i am not currently taking gymnastics
0% (18) i am not taking gymnastics and i dont want to
8% (432) i did but not anymore

4822 voters have answered this question.

if you are taking gymnastics, what level are you?

7% (380) 1
9% (438) 2
13% (650) 3
15% (750) 4
11% (556) 5
8% (415) 6
6% (316) 7
3% (148) 8
2% (100) 9
2% (97) 10
4% (220) elite
14% (677) i DO compete
37% (1818) i DO NOT compete

4822 voters have answered this question.

how old are you?

28% (1376) 0-10 (i know its hard to be a 1 yr old gymnast but it could happen!)
57% (2754) 11-13
11% (563) 14-16
1% (66) 17-20
0% (34) 20-25
0% (14) 30-39
0% (15) 40 +

4822 voters have answered this question.

how flexible are you on a scale of 1-10? (10 being really flexible, 1 being not so flexible)

0% (32) 1: i suck at stretching!
1% (74) 2: i dont have the best splits or bridge (im pretty bad)
1% (90) 3: i may not have good splits, but my legs are straight
3% (188) 4: i can do a comewhat decent bridge (i wont collapse) and i am halfway down to splits!
6% (291) 5: i can do a bridge with my feet together and i almost kind of have splits on one leg
13% (655) 6: i can do a bridge with my legs together, i can almost do splits all the way down, i can do a backbend, i can ALMOST touch my toes with straight legs, and i can almost reach my chest to the ground in cat stretch
30% (1491) 7: i have splits 1 or 2 ways, my bridge has straight legs and arms, i can do a backbend, i can touch my toes with straight legs, and i am very close to doing a perfect cat stretch!
10% (484) 8: i have splits (left, right, and straddle/middle) perfect; i can do a nice backbend with straight, together legs, straight arms by your ears and shoulders pushed back so they feel "open"; and you can touch your toes with straight legs and locked knees.
9% (439) 9: you have perfect splits, a beautiful backbend/tick tock, you can comfortably touch your toes with locked knees, and you can do a perfect seal streatch/angel touch
22% (1078) 10: you have oversplits, open shoulders on bridges, great arm/leg flexibility, and can reach past your toes with locked knees.

4822 voters have answered this question.

can you do a decent round off back handspring?

36% (1779) huh?
20% (984) i can do it but my legs arent straight and neither are my arms
12% (584) i can do it with straight legs and arms
11% (571) i can do it with straight legs (that are TOGETHER) and arms
18% (904) i can do a perfect RO BHS BT! (round off back handspring back tuck)

4822 voters have answered this question.

My favorite gymnast is _____.

No graph available for this question

4823 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-07-15 02:55:40 by stephgymnast
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