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Are you in favour of these political reforms?

With Great Britain heading for yet another recession, and deeply involved in yet another series of costly and destructive wars that are none of our business, would you be in favour of these political reforms. The reforms in this poll are designed to give back the nation of Great Britain, it's money, human rights, and historical traditions to the indigenous British people. No offence is meant to people in or from other nations, or those non indigenous people who reside in Great Britain at the moment. This is for us not against you.

Are you in favour of ending all illegal wars, including but not exclusively those in Iraq and Afghanistan?

65% (141) Absolutely, we should never have involved ourselves in this needless waste of lives.
8% (18) I think we should, we have achieved all we set out to do.
8% (19) I'm not sure, wouldn't it be dangerous to pull out now?
17% (37) Absolutely not, we must rid the world of these dangerous genocidal fanatics.

215 voters have answered this question.

Would you like to see the major reforms to the National Health Service? An end to the post code lottery, huge investments in the training of medical personnel, a return of the Ward Sister, astringent inspections to ensure that hygiene at all medical facilities is both strict and appropriate.

66% (142) Absolutely, the NHS was once the envy of the world, we must make it so again.
16% (36) Probably, but we will need to make all these changes cost effective.
7% (15) I don't think there is much we can do about the NHS, maybe the private sector should be more involved.
8% (19) Absolutely not, there is nothing wrong with the NHS, its not broke don't fix it.

212 voters have answered this question.

Would you like to see police constables elected by the people instead of promoted by their local police authority?

52% (111) Absolutely, the old pals act together with the observation of political correctness has seen our most senior police jobs given to the most incompetant of people.
21% (46) It might be a good idea, but would it be practical? Policing is not a popularity competition.
10% (23) I doubt it would make any difference, we would only get a choice of candidates put forward by the government anyway.
14% (31) Absolutely not, our policemen and women are doing a tremendous job, and the Cheif Constable is the absolute best man for the job.

211 voters have answered this question.

Would you like to see a complete suspension of all immigration to Great Britain? Remember this is only a small island, and it is overcrowded as it is without the arrival of more newcomers.

74% (161) Absolutely, this island is full up, we should never have allowed so many immigrants here in the first place.
5% (11) Maybe, but I would feel guilty if people who's lives were in danger were refused asylum.
3% (8) I can't see how we would manage without the hard working immigrants who are propping up our economy with cheap labour.
16% (35) Absolutely not, I love the richness of diversity that we enjoy on our wonderful multicultural paradise island.

215 voters have answered this question.

Would you like to see a complete rebuilding of our armed forces? Remember that over the years we have been involved in multiple conflicts around the world. Our troops are battle weary and poorly equipped, huge investments would need to be made if Britain is to become once more a military force.

61% (133) Absolutely, our armed forces are the best in the world, but they have been stretched beyond their limits and together with a total lack of investment are now in tatters.
12% (26) Probably, but can we afford it? Although I'm not against the idea, I have to wonder where the money would come from.
14% (32) I don't see why we should, if we were not involved in so many conflicts we wouldn't need as many armed personnel.
11% (24) Absolutely not, wasting money on more soldiers so we can kill more people would be disgusting.

215 voters have answered this question.

Britain is a violent and dangerous place to live in. Would you be in favour of bringing back capital punishment for murderers, terrorists, and sex offenders?

56% (121) Definitely, this would put an instant end to repeat offenders and be a great deterrent to those thinking of committing heinous crimes.
18% (40) Probably, but I would worry about people who are wrongly convicted of crimes they didn't commit. You can free a prisoner, but you cannot un-hang someone.
6% (13) I don't think so, the death penalty is just so uncivilised.
18% (39) No way! We can't go round killing people just because they might have killed or raped others. That would make us just as bad as the criminals themselves.

213 voters have answered this question.

With the chaos, unruliness, and violence of today's children and youths, would you be in favour of restoring discipline in schools? This would include a return of the cane, and teachers being able to physically punish badly behaved pupils.

55% (119) Without hesitation, it is unbelievable that young people are so out of control these days. A clip round the ear never did me any harm, and headmasters should be able to cane the most destructive and unruly children.
15% (34) I don't see why not, but regulations would have to be in place to protect the individual rights of school children, and only heads of year should be able to administer any physical punishment.
14% (31) I don't like the idea of this, it could lead to children being abused at school by the very people entrusted to look after them.
14% (31) No chance, children are people too. Just because they are a little exuberant and noisy does not mean that they should be beaten.

215 voters have answered this question.

With the impending Lisbon Treaty and the blatant moves being made towards a European superstate, would you be in favour of Britain's total withdrawal from the European Union?

69% (150) Withdraw? We should never have been in it in the first place. So yes, a complete withdrawal is now imperative. We are an island race, we don't want to be part of a pseudo communist federation.
5% (11) I think we should withdraw but continue to work towards a more unified Europe. Maybe that way our farmers would still be able to enjoy their subsidies.
11% (25) I don't think there is any need to withdraw, we can still enjoy certain benefits as full members, and use various vetoes to opt out of any changes that we don't like.
13% (29) Absolutely not, there is no need for our continuation as a sovereign nation anymore. We are Europeans and it is time we started changing our constitution to be more like Germany, Belgium, and France.

215 voters have answered this question.

Every day and every night people from poorer countries are entering the UK illegally. Once they are here it is difficult if at all possible to get rid of them. With this in mind would you be in favour of introducing new laws so that all illegal immigrants are deported with immediate effect.

74% (159) Yes! If they arrive here illegally then they should be rounded up and deported immediately. No trial, no time wasting human rights hearings, just straight on the next boat or aeroplane back to wherever they came from. Anyone living here who are found to have come here illegally should be deported too.
7% (15) If they are here illegally and they cannot prove that they would have been in danger had they stayed in their own country then maybe we should think about deporting them.
9% (20) It is a lot more complicated than just deporting illegals. What about their human rights? Would it not be immoral to simply deport them without some kind of fair hearing?
9% (20) I'm not in favour of deporting anyone, why should we decide who can and cant live here?

214 voters have answered this question.

It is an indisputable fact that Great Britain is overcrowded, therefore would you support a policy of encouraging voluntary repatriation of foreigners backed up with cash incentives? We could fund the incentives with money saved by ending all foreign aid.

64% (137) I definitely support this, we are constantly plunging into one recession after another. We can't afford to give aid to other countries, the money could be put to much better use, and encouraging immigrants to go back to where they came from would actually save us money in the long run. A win win situation if ever there was.
11% (24) We need to do something, and there is a problem with immigration in Great Britain, also foreign aid is an unnecessary waste of money that we can no longer afford. It would be a very radical new policy, we would have to be careful but I might support it.
8% (19) We don't spend that much on foreign aid, and I can't see many immigrants wanting to leave, not even for money. I doubt I would support this.
15% (33) Disgusting, we can't stop foreign aid, what about those poor hungry third world people? Also repatriation would be cruel, voluntary or otherwise.

213 voters have answered this question.

Seeing as how many industries that belonged to the nation are now in the hands of the private sector and are only of benefit to wealthy, and often foreign, investors, would you be in favour of re nationalising them? Obviously the present British government couldn't be trusted to run a bath, so this question is hypothetical, we would need a government that cared about this nation first.

52% (113) Obviously we would need a new government before this could happen, a nationalist government that cared about Britain and its indigenous people. Under those circumstances re-nationalising all industry would be fantastic for the future of this country, and I would support this.
18% (40) I agree withthis in principle, but when are we ever going to have a government we can trust to run anything?
16% (35) I doubt I would support this, it doesn't matter who is in charge of industry they will always be corrupt. Besides the private sector are at least more professional.
12% (27) You've got to be kidding, renationalisation without handing control back to the unions? No way!

215 voters have answered this question.

Children as young as five are being taught about homosexuality in school as an alternative but normal lifestyle. Would you agree that this is indeed disgusting, and support measures to outlaw the promotion of homosexuality in all schools?

61% (133) There is absolutely no reason why young children should be taught about any sex act, especially those of an unnatural kind. And no children of any age should be encouraged to believe that homosexuality is a normal alternative to heterosexuality. I definitely would support this 100%.
13% (28) I'm not sure I believe that teachers would promote homosexuality to young children, those that are should be stopped from teaching. But whether we should stop children from knowing the facts and dangers is another thing entirely. I might support some restrictions but a total ban.
7% (17) I doubt I would support this, there is nothing wrong with preparing young people in case they do grow up to be homosexual. I doubt if being taught about this at school would make anyone more inclined to become homosexual.
17% (37) I would not support this at all. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual and it is a happy healthy alternative to being heterosexual. The best thing Labour did was repeal Section 28.

215 voters have answered this question.

With our nations recent experiences of terrorism and the difficulties we have had dealing with preachers of religious hatred like Abu Hamza, would you support the deportation of all radical preachers? This would put in place legislation that would stop enemies of our nation using legal procedures to prolong their stay, and see them deported immediately.

69% (149) That would definitely get my support, there are actually lawyers specialising in protecting the so called "rights" of these hateful anti British preachers of anti white racism. Put those lawyers out of business and send there clients packing immediately.
10% (22) I might support this, as long as there are guidelines in place to prevent this new legislation from being abused.
9% (21) I doubt if I would support this, it would probably lead to the religious persecution of minority groups.
10% (23) I would definitely not support this. Why shouldn't religious holy men tell their people who their enemies are and what they should do about them. Just because they are allowed to live here doesn't mean they owe us any kind of loyalty.

215 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-07-23 13:36:56 by Pete Williamson
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