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Family prayer, study and worship.

My parents are very religious (Roman Catholic) and insist we (them, my brother and myself) spend time attending mass and praying together. My brother and I also have to spend time studying the Bible and Catholic Faith. Alot of my friends don't have to do this much praying and studying and I'd like to know how much other people have to do.
We go to Mass on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and on holy days of obligation. During school holidays my brother and I have to go to daily Mass. How often do you attend Mass?
Now and again
2 or three times a week
Most days
During the week at home we have morning prayer for half an hour and say the Roseary. In the evening we have prayer for one hour unless we attend Mass, and then it's half an hour. How often do you pray?
Morning only
Evening only
Morning and evening
When I feel the need
Quite often but not regularly
On Saturdays we pray for an hour each morning and evening and say the Roseary after each prayer session. Do you pray more at the weekends?
On Sundays we pray for an hour before Mass and on Sunday evenings we pray for two hours, one of them in total silence. Do you say additional prayers on Sundays?
We pray the Roseary about 10 times a week, more in school holidays and at Christmas? How many times a week do you pray the Roseary?
Less than once
A few times a week
More than once a day
In addition to school work, prayers and Mass attendance, we have to do Religious Study at home for an hour or so each day and three / four hours on a Sunday and each day during school holidays. How much study do you do?
Not much
Less than an hour a day
More than an hour a day
Do you think I have to spend too much time praying and studying? Or not enough maybe.
To much. You should be able to do other things too.
It doesn't matter what you want. You should do as your parents say (this is my Dad's choice!)
Not enough. You can never give too much time to God.
This poll was created on 2008-09-09 15:05:12 by prayeruk