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Voting Based on Race Only?

While I hope most of us are voting in the 2008 Presidential Election based on what the candidates can/will do, I wonder how many of us are voting based SOLELY on race? You couldn't care, one way or another, who the best candidate for the job is; you are voting based on the candidate's ethnicity alone. Let's find out... THIS POLE REFERENCES ONLY THE DEMOCRATIC AND THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES! NOT THE INDEPENDENT/OTHER.

Are you voting in the upcoming Presidential Election based SOLELY on the candidate's race? (DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE ONLY!)

6% (3) Yes, I am mainly voting for the candidate (DEM/REP only) based on their race.
71% (35) No, I am voting for the candidate (DEM/REP only) whom I feel will do the best job as president.
10% (5) While I want to vote for the best candidate (DEM/REP only), I feel I must lean toward their race also.
12% (6) I am not voting for either candidate (DEM/REP only).

49 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-10-28 21:36:21 by 1971_Sweetie
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