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Which of these sentiments are funny? Worldly Card Line

Card sentiments with real photos

There are so many things to cherish with the passing of time. [pic of desert sand] Vaginal dryness not being one of them. Happy birthday, you dried up old crow.

39% (9) kind of funny
26% (6) funny
21% (5) really funny
13% (3) hilarious

23 voters have answered this question.

It's your birthday. [pic of cake] Time to stuff some cake in that hagface.

43% (10) kind of funny
34% (8) funny
8% (2) really funny
13% (3) hilarious

23 voters have answered this question.

For your birthday I told everyone you're much younger than they thought. [cafe scene] Not that I'm asking for a huge favor in return but it wouldn't kill you to buy me a cup of coffee.

26% (6) kind of funny
30% (7) funny
30% (7) really funny
13% (3) hilarious

23 voters have answered this question.

Yes, I remembered. Happy birthday. [pic of mass distruction] And, no, I won't help you clean your house for your party.

30% (7) kind of funny
39% (9) funny
21% (5) really funny
8% (2) hilarious

23 voters have answered this question.

You're older than he is--and for most people, for that matter [show small kid with basket over his face, swimming in muddy water]. But you're not playing hide and seek in a drainage ditch. You definitely have that going for you on your birthday.

40% (9) kind of funny
45% (10) funny
4% (1) really funny
9% (2) hilarious

22 voters have answered this question.

So many people have died this year. [pic of graveyard] I heard you haven't. Happy birthday.

13% (3) kind of funny
31% (7) funny
36% (8) really funny
18% (4) hilarious

22 voters have answered this question.

You've been cruelly denying yourself for the past 364 days. [pic of statue of ogre with six cigarettes in mouth]. Just get the pack of Parliaments. It's your birthday, for Christ's sake.

36% (8) kind of funny
22% (5) funny
27% (6) really funny
13% (3) hilarious

22 voters have answered this question.

Here's what I want to do on your birthday. [pic of extremely endowed nude statue]. Go out with someone else. Would you mind?

40% (9) kind of funny
27% (6) funny
18% (4) really funny
13% (3) hilarious

22 voters have answered this question.

Here's what I want to do on your birthday. [sign that says WRECK] Get drunk and cry because we’re about the same age. I'm betting that's what you want, too.

27% (6) kind of funny
36% (8) funny
22% (5) really funny
13% (3) hilarious

22 voters have answered this question.

News flash for you. It’s your birthday today! [pic of tv] In celebration I will be watching TV alone. Have a great one.

40% (9) kind of funny
36% (8) funny
22% (5) really funny
0% (0) hilarious

22 voters have answered this question.

I get tired just thinking about all the things we could do for your birthday. [pic of bed] Seriously, I’m exhausted. Call me when it’s over.

10% (2) kind of funny
45% (9) funny
35% (7) really funny
10% (2) hilarious

20 voters have answered this question.

14. Here's what I've done for your birthday. [pic of lion statue with tongue sticking out] Arranged a sex show with women, men, and animals at your place. I mean, I didn't know your parents were coming over. I set it up like a month ago. But I guess we could work them into it somehow.

42% (9) kind of funny
23% (5) funny
23% (5) really funny
9% (2) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

It's your birthday. Let's do something different to celebrate this year. [pic of dark alley with rising smoke] Like smoke crack outside of an emergency room, just in case we overdose.

23% (5) kind of funny
33% (7) funny
23% (5) really funny
19% (4) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

I want to give you a really fun birthday party. [show carousel] But because you're an adult, not a four-year old child, I’m incapable of doing that.

30% (6) kind of funny
35% (7) funny
15% (3) really funny
20% (4) hilarious

20 voters have answered this question.

Oh Christmas! [pic of xmas caroler with mouth open in "o" shape singing]. Did I say oh because I meant no.

47% (10) kind of funny
33% (7) funny
9% (2) really funny
9% (2) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Christmas. [red and white mexico city street scene] No mas.

52% (11) kind of funny
23% (5) funny
9% (2) really funny
14% (3) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Well if it isn't Christmas. [show pic of blow up santa raft] If I weren't so beat down from shopping, I'd punch your fat red nose.

42% (9) kind of funny
33% (7) funny
4% (1) really funny
19% (4) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Christmas is coming! [cheery christmas scene] Run.

33% (7) kind of funny
19% (4) funny
28% (6) really funny
19% (4) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Christmas is for money-grubbing pigs who live to stuff their homes with meaningless junk. [pic of xmas pigs] Bring that shit on.

15% (3) kind of funny
30% (6) funny
30% (6) really funny
25% (5) hilarious

20 voters have answered this question.

Ah, Christmas. [xmas goats] I’d rather have goats pee in my mouth. But that's just my feeling about it.

47% (10) kind of funny
19% (4) funny
9% (2) really funny
23% (5) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

It's Christmas time! [religious statue hands grasped in gratitute] Time to thank someone for a Josh Grobin CD.

38% (8) kind of funny
33% (7) funny
19% (4) really funny
9% (2) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Our love is great. [pic of pile of hundreds of dead fish] Let those who have not tasted it continue standing in judgment.

33% (7) kind of funny
28% (6) funny
28% (6) really funny
9% (2) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Before meeting you, I could not imagine my butt being used for anything but poop. [sign with person with hands up, other person gun pointing at him, top of sign reads Protected Place] With you, I feel like anything is possible.

47% (10) kind of funny
23% (5) funny
9% (2) really funny
19% (4) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

I’ve always said, "Isn't a finger, or a couple fingers enough? What's up with the up-to-the-elbow action? [pic of graffiti, giant fist, index finger pointing at you] With you, I feel like anything is possible.

42% (9) kind of funny
23% (5) funny
19% (4) really funny
14% (3) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

The time we've spent together is quite like your penis. [storefront with hanging bunches of plantains] Sometimes it seems shorter and sometimes longer but it still works so it's all good.

28% (6) kind of funny
33% (7) funny
28% (6) really funny
9% (2) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

It's like asking for a golden tower. [pic of golden tower] And getting a golden shower. Sorry I let you down. I suck.

38% (8) kind of funny
14% (3) funny
33% (7) really funny
14% (3) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

It's like when finally it occurs to you, "The Buddha wouldn't smash this bug"--[pic of benevolent buddha] Before you smash it and scream, "I got ya! Because I'm bigger and stronger and smarter." Progress is victory. Congratulations on yours.

9% (2) kind of funny
47% (10) funny
23% (5) really funny
19% (4) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Friendship like ours is built on honesty and influence. Like, you could say to me: [pic of two mannequins talking] “I heard he has the g-warts. Don't sleep with him.” And I wouldn’t. Lucky we found each other. You’re my hero.

33% (7) kind of funny
23% (5) funny
19% (4) really funny
23% (5) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Friendship like ours is built on honesty and influence. Like, you could say to me: [pic of ripped couch in trash next to dirty milk cartons] “Just get that shit at IKEA.” And I would. Lucky we found each other. You’re my hero.

30% (6) kind of funny
35% (7) funny
20% (4) really funny
15% (3) hilarious

20 voters have answered this question.

Friendship like ours is built on honesty and influence. Like, you could say to me: [pic of Bratz dolls and lime green Barbies] “Don't go down that road or you'll end up sucking cock a buck a yard." And I wouldn’t. Lucky we found each other. You’re my hero.

35% (7) kind of funny
25% (5) funny
15% (3) really funny
25% (5) hilarious

20 voters have answered this question.

Friendship like ours is built on honesty and influence. Like, you could say to me: [pic of food cart that says Crazy Cup Corn Mr. Happy Catering] “Let's go to the buffet and eat like hogs at a trough until we puke in a public trash can.” And I would. Lucky we found each other. You’re my hero.

20% (4) kind of funny
30% (6) funny
40% (8) really funny
10% (2) hilarious

20 voters have answered this question.

Friendship like ours is built on honesty and influence. Like, you could say: [pic of mannequin with terrible clothes] “You shouldn't wear that anymore--for so many reasons.” And I wouldn’t. Lucky we found each other. You’re my hero.

30% (6) kind of funny
35% (7) funny
25% (5) really funny
10% (2) hilarious

20 voters have answered this question.

Because you're my best friend and I tell you everything, I'll tell you this on your special day. [sign that says RELAX] I've done heroin! I love you, mom. You're the best. P.S. Just kidding. Though one of your other children-who will remain unnamed-has.

19% (4) kind of funny
19% (4) funny
38% (8) really funny
23% (5) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

If, while dressed in your Easter best, you see a purple bunny laying a chocolate egg . . .[show two girls dressed in easter dresses] give me the egg and get back on your meds. Happy Easter.

25% (5) kind of funny
35% (7) funny
30% (6) really funny
10% (2) hilarious

20 voters have answered this question.

You have a baby now! [pic of cherubic baby statue] Let's leave it at that.

33% (7) kind of funny
23% (5) funny
14% (3) really funny
28% (6) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

Congratulations about your beautiful new baby. [show pic of little kids in line on field trip holding a rope led by an adult] How soon we stop judging people who keep their children on human leashes.

19% (4) kind of funny
28% (6) funny
28% (6) really funny
23% (5) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

So happy for you. Your baby is so cute! [statue of baby holding up huge dollar sign] I told everyone else their babies were cute too. In comparison, let’s just say I hope they're good in math or something else that will make them rich.

23% (5) kind of funny
42% (9) funny
19% (4) really funny
14% (3) hilarious

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-10-30 15:22:08 by elizabeth hildreth
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