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Kotor 3

Knights of the Old republic 3 ??
Would you like to see old characters
yes all
yes just the droids
yes the droids and canderous
only the ones who have been in 1 and 2
only the main characters of 1 and 2
main characters and a few others
would you like the same planets
same planets same places
same planet same place different time
same planet different places
some same some different
all different
choice of light and dark depends what planets open up to you
would you like to see upgrades and new force powers
no we have enough
yes upgrades no forcepowers
yes forcepowers no upgrades
yes to both
would you like to see new alien races e.g. twileks and rodians
yes lodes
the true sith yes
the true sith (with lodes of other races)
no we have enough
would you like to see new light saber colours
black white pink brown yer sure
believeable colours not so much black
no new colours
should you be able to design revan and exile if you meet them again
a little bit
during gameplay
do you think they could take this into a never ending battle of good and evil all the way to darth bain
wow that would be alot of them but yes definetly
yes but mayb skip a few 100 and 1000 years here and there
no end it soon
there should be none after 3
there should be no 3
should your character be able to be alien races and should that effect there abilities
yes to both
yes to races not to abilities
how many planets should there be
This poll was created on 2008-11-07 03:51:45 by Legend_in_our_mist