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Impeach President Clinton?

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While the US Congress seems to be ready to proceed with impeachment hearings, I'd like to know what your opinions are.

Do you feel you have sufficient understanding of the laws in question to make an informed decision? Check all the areas that you feel you have a good grip on.

85% (23) The charges against Clinton
85% (23) The Articles of Impeachment
85% (23) The 'censure' option
85% (23) The impeachment process

27 voters have answered this question.

What do you feel should happen to President Clinton?

25% (5) Remove him from office
25% (5) Censure him
25% (5) Let him finish his term
25% (5) I'm not sure

20 voters have answered this question.

What areas about this entire stink have done the most harm to your confidence in the US government? Check all that may apply.

60% (17) The sex scandal itself
60% (17) Insane media attention
60% (17) Bias of the office of the Independent Counsel
60% (17) Congress clearly ignoring the will of the people
60% (17) Audacity of the Republican attack
60% (17) General lameness of the Democrats
60% (17) None of this has affected my view of the government

28 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 1998-12-13 03:24:02 by Mister Poll
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