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Obama has been elected. How are you reacting?

This poll is for both Obama supporters and those who don't care for him. I am wondering how people are reacting now that he has been elected and is choosing his team. I will try to keep this poll more unbiased than most of my polls have been lately.

1) Overall, how are you feeling about the election of Barack Obama?

19% (25) 1) Extremely happy
3% (5) 2) Good
5% (7) 3) Cautiously optimistic
0% (1) 4) So so
9% (12) 5) Not too happy, but I am hoping for the best
10% (14) 6) Not happy at all
50% (65) 7) Extremely upset
0% (1) 8) Other
0% (0) 9) Not sure

130 voters have answered this question.

2) How do you feel about Obama's cabinet choices so far?

10% (13) 1) Excellent choices
9% (12) 2) Good choices
11% (15) 3) Fair choices
10% (13) 4) A mixed bag
6% (9) 5) Poor choices
50% (66) 6) Awful choices
0% (0) 7) Other
1% (2) 8) Not sure

130 voters have answered this question.

3) How do you think Obama will do in regards to helping us get out of our economic downturn?

9% (12) 1) Excellent
12% (16) 2) Good
8% (11) 3) Fair
12% (16) 4) Poor
53% (69) 5) Awful
0% (0) 6) Other
4% (6) 7) Not sure
11% (15) 8) As good as can be expected, given the circumstances
0% (1) 9) Other
1% (2) 10) Not sure

128 voters have answered this question.

4) How well do you think Obama will do in regards to the war in Iraq?

10% (13) 1) Excellent
12% (16) 2) Good
12% (16) 3) Fair
7% (10) 4) Poor
55% (72) 5) Awful
7% (10) 6) As good as can be expected, given the circumstances
0% (1) 7) Other
6% (9) 8) Not sure

129 voters have answered this question.

5) For Obama supporters/those who view him favorably: What will you do now that he has been elected? You may choose multiple responses.

40% (16) 1) Work on supporting him and his agenda
45% (18) 2) Pressure him to do the right thing/support your positions on issues of importance to you
10% (4) 3) I will do nothing since I know he will do a good job
30% (12) 4) Become even more involved in politics
27% (11) 5) Work on electing Democratic congresspeople so he will have a big majority of support in the legislature
15% (6) 6) Other
5% (2) 7) Not sure

40 voters have answered this question.

6) For Obama opponents/those who view him unfavorably: What will you do now that he has been elected? You may choose multiple responses.

18% (18) 1) Work on opposing him and his agenda
15% (15) 2) Pressure him to support your views on issues of importance to you
10% (10) 3) Do nothing and just accept what happened
24% (23) 4) Becoming even more involved in politics
73% (70) 5) Work to elect more Republican legislators who can block his initiatives
12% (12) 6) Try to impeach him or claim his election is invalid or something similar
10% (10) 7) Other
3% (3) 8) Not sure

95 voters have answered this question.

7) What are your political views?

3% (4) 1) Cranky Conservative
21% (27) 2) Nice Conservative
15% (19) 3) Moderate
23% (29) 4) Cranky Liberal
10% (13) 5) Nice Liberal
9% (12) 6) Depends on the issue
7% (10) 7) Libertarian
1% (2) 8) Socialist
0% (1) 9) Green
0% (0) 10) Anarchist
0% (1) 11) Apolitical
0% (0) 12) Commie
0% (1) 13) Fascist
3% (4) 14) Other
2% (3) 15) Not sure

126 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-12-14 21:25:19 by totoro
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