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How clean are you?

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I am obsessive about felling clean. Are you?

How often do you bath?

7% (2) More than twice a day
17% (5) Twice a day
60% (17) Once a day
10% (3) every other day
14% (4) a couple of times a week
3% (1) Once a week
0% (0) Afew times a month
0% (0) Once a month
0% (0) Less than once a month
3% (1) Never

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you use soap on your body?

89% (25) Yes
3% (1) No
7% (2) Sometimes

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you wash your hair with shampoo?

85% (24) Yes
7% (2) No
7% (2) Sometimes

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you condition?

38% (10) Yes
26% (7) No
34% (9) Sometimes

26 voters have answered this question.

Which do you use?

21% (6) Bath
64% (18) Shower
39% (11) Both
3% (1) Neither

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you use a face wash?

48% (13) Yes
25% (7) No
25% (7) Sometimes

27 voters have answered this question.

How long does it take you to bathe?

7% (2) less than five minutes
22% (6) 5 - 10
29% (8) 10 - 15
18% (5) 15 - 20
11% (3) 20 - 25
18% (5) 25 - 30
18% (5) 30 - 40
3% (1) 40 minutes and up

27 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-09-21 23:43:49 by nifferlynne
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