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Funny Ragdoll Cats

Just some questions about the daft things your Ragdoll Cat's done

How many Ragdoll Cats do you own?

36% (17) 1
23% (11) 2
19% (9) 3
15% (7) 4
4% (2) 5 or more

46 voters have answered this question.

How many are girls?

25% (9) 1
17% (6) 2
25% (9) 3
14% (5) 4
17% (6) 5
0% (0) more

35 voters have answered this question.

How many are boys?

34% (13) 1
28% (11) 2
10% (4) 3
7% (3) 4
15% (6) 5
2% (1) more

38 voters have answered this question.

Right, now the funny stuff. Have any of your Cats got stuck, (eg, down the side of the sofa)?

52% (24) Yes
47% (22) No

46 voters have answered this question.

Where/how did they get stuck?

No graph available for this question

32 voters have answered this question.

Have you found any of your cats lain flat on their back, legs spread and looking like a rug?

65% (30) Yes
34% (16) No

46 voters have answered this question.

What did you do?

63% (14) Giggle
68% (15) Fluff up their fury tummy
22% (5) Mother them
13% (3) Pick them up and place them back on their feet
45% (10) Say some silly things like (Oh, you cute little thing)
54% (12) Call someone else to come and have a look

22 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever heard a 'meow' coming from somewhere in the house and then found your cat shut in a cupboard or bedroom?

67% (31) Yes
32% (15) No

46 voters have answered this question.

Where did you find them?

50% (8) My bedroom
12% (2) The understairs cupboard
25% (4) The bathroom
6% (1) My parents bedroom
6% (1) The cellar
0% (0) The loft
18% (3) The kitchen
0% (0) The diningroom
50% (8) The aring cupboard
25% (4) Other room

16 voters have answered this question.

How oftern do you pick you Ragdoll cat(s) up like a baby and let them flop in your arms?

13% (3) every minuet
18% (4) Every hour
50% (11) A few times a day
18% (4) Once a day
4% (1) A few times a week
13% (3) Hardly ever

22 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever made you Ragdoll cat dance? (Eg, bouncing them up and down to music)

50% (23) Yes
50% (23) No

46 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever fillmed or taken a photo of your Ragdoll cat doing daft things?

73% (34) Yes
26% (12) No

46 voters have answered this question.

How many photos/films have you taken?

0% (0) 1
13% (6) 2
27% (12) 3-5
16% (7) 5-10
18% (8) 10-20
23% (10) 20+

43 voters have answered this question.

If you've ever stroked or fussed your Ragdoll while they're asleep, have they ever made a funny meowing moaning noise?

20% (9) Oh yes, all the time
71% (32) Sometimes
8% (4) No, never

45 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever dressed up your Ragdoll?

38% (17) Yes!
61% (27) No

44 voters have answered this question.

What have you ever dressed them up as?

No graph available for this question

28 voters have answered this question.

Did you like this Poll?

23% (11) Loved it!!! I love Ragdoll cats!
73% (34) It was alright
2% (1) I love Ragdoll cats! I DIDN'T love this Poll.

46 voters have answered this question.

Can you guess that I own Ragdoll cats?

77% (35) Yes (Obvious)
22% (10) No

45 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-03-09 12:11:50 by Mezame
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