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September 11th: Looking Back and Ahead [Updated Oct. 8!]

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Now that things are starting to settle down, what sense can we make of the tragedy on September 11th? What's in store for the future? *New questions will be added as the situation unfolds.

Are you a resident of the New York City or Washington DC areas?

11% (1) Yes
88% (8) No

9 voters have answered this question.

How much attention have you been paying to this event?

22% (2) A lot
33% (3) Quite a bit
33% (3) Not much
11% (1) None

9 voters have answered this question.

How would you rate the media's coverage of the Sept. 11th attacks? Consider whether they behaved appropriately.

22% (2) Excellent
11% (1) Good
22% (2) Fair
44% (4) Poor

9 voters have answered this question.

How did you feel as you watched the media's coverage of this event?

33% (3) Fear/anxiety
44% (4) Sadness/sympathy
11% (1) Interested
11% (1) Bored

9 voters have answered this question.

Where did you obtain most of the coverage on this event?

100% (9) Television
0% (0) Radio
0% (0) Newspapers/magazines
0% (0) About equally from each source

9 voters have answered this question.

An hour before this question was created, the U.S. has launched strikes on Afghanistan. Do you approve or disapove this action?

55% (5) Approve
22% (2) Disapprove
22% (2) Not sure

9 voters have answered this question.

How long do you think this war would last?

11% (1) Less than a month
0% (0) One to three months
0% (0) Six months to a year
88% (8) A year or more

9 voters have answered this question.

Which nation(s) do you expect to assist the U.S. with MILITARY actions?

66% (6) Northern Alliance
77% (7) Canada
77% (7) Great Britain
33% (3) The whole NATO
33% (3) Russia
33% (3) Japan

9 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following people would have best handled this situation if he were president now?

11% (1) George W. Bush (current president)
22% (2) Bill Clinton
22% (2) George H.W. Bush
44% (4) Al Gore

9 voters have answered this question.

Who best handled their own job in response to the disaster?

0% (0) President George W. Bush
0% (0) Secretary of State Colin Powell
25% (1) Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld
25% (1) Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta
50% (2) NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani

4 voters have answered this question.

What should be America's biggest worry in the next 12 months?

33% (3) How to fight the new war
33% (3) More terrorist attacks
22% (2) Downturning economy
11% (1) Other

9 voters have answered this question.

Suppose that George W. Bush leads the nation to victory in this war, but fails to pull the nation out of recession. Would you re-elect him in 2004?

14% (1) Yes
85% (6) No

7 voters have answered this question.

Will the Sept. 11th attacks cause the world to come closer to the U.S., or will it cause the U.S. to adopt a more isolationistic foreign policy?

0% (0) Draw the world closer to the U.S.
57% (4) Cause the U.S. to adopt a isolationistic foreign policy
42% (3) Have little or no effect on the current foreign policy

7 voters have answered this question.

What should be done with the ruined site of the World Trade Centre complex?

55% (5) Build a park/memorial
33% (3) Rebuild -- taller, grander than before
11% (1) Rebuild according to the original plans

9 voters have answered this question.

How likely is it that America will be able to capture Bin Laden?

22% (2) 100%
22% (2) 75%
11% (1) 50%
22% (2) 25%
22% (2) 0%

9 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-10-05 22:53:04 by wan_2_3
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