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Books 1?

Of the two choices, which would you rather read (even if you didn't want to read either of them, but were forced to read them)?

"Lord of the Rings" Trilogy or C.S. Lewis' Science Fiction Trilogy?

88% (24) Lord of the Rings
11% (3) Lewis' Science Fiction Trilogy

27 voters have answered this question.

Harry Potter Series or Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia?

62% (18) Harry Potter
37% (11) Chronicles of Narnia

29 voters have answered this question.

Lolita or The Last Temptation of Christ?

59% (13) Lolita
40% (9) The Last Temptation of Christ

22 voters have answered this question.

The Da Vinci Code or The Shack?

72% (16) The Da Vinci Code
27% (6) The Shack

22 voters have answered this question.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Ordinary People?

72% (16) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
27% (6) Ordinary People

22 voters have answered this question.

Carrie or The Shining?

22% (5) Carrie
77% (17) The Shining

22 voters have answered this question.

1984 or Brave New World?

47% (9) 1984
52% (10) Brave New World

19 voters have answered this question.

Tom Sawyer or David Copperfield?

75% (15) Tom Sawyer
25% (5) David Copperfield

20 voters have answered this question.

Les Miserables or A Tale of Two Cities?

68% (15) Les Miserables
31% (7) A Tale of Two Cities

22 voters have answered this question.

Romeo & Juliet or Tristan & Isolde?

66% (18) Romeo and Juliet
33% (9) Tristan & Isolde

27 voters have answered this question.

Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness or Stephen King's Misery?

60% (12) At the Mountains of Madness
40% (8) Misery

20 voters have answered this question.

Gone with the Wind or Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil?

52% (12) Gone with the Wind
47% (11) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

23 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-06-12 15:41:29 by Librarian_Ponderer
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