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Superhero Battles

Superhero's Fighting there best Fight , Who'd Win

Spider-Man vs Batman

43% (39) Batman
50% (45) Spider-Man
3% (3) Draw
3% (3) Spidey First - Batman Gets away and comes back with a Gadget to Win

90 voters have answered this question.

Thor vs Shazam

67% (61) Thor
28% (26) Shazam
3% (3) Draw

90 voters have answered this question.

Mr Sinister vs Brainiac

49% (43) Mr Sinister
50% (44) Brainiac

87 voters have answered this question.

Vision vs Martian Manhunter

31% (28) Vision
62% (56) Martian Manhunter
5% (5) Draw

89 voters have answered this question.

Green Arrow vs Hawkeye

48% (43) Green Arrow
51% (46) Hawkeye

89 voters have answered this question.

Green Lantern vs Iron Man

58% (61) Green Lantern
41% (43) Iron Man

104 voters have answered this question.

Dr Strange vs Dr Fate

74% (63) Strange
25% (22) Fate

85 voters have answered this question.

Clay face vs Sandman

37% (32) Clayface
62% (54) Sandman

86 voters have answered this question.

Deathstroke vs Deadpool

38% (35) Deathsroke
61% (57) Deadpool

92 voters have answered this question.

Killer Croc vs The Lizard

55% (48) Croc
44% (39) Lizard

87 voters have answered this question.

Multiplex vs Multiple Man

38% (32) Multiplex
61% (52) Muliple Man

84 voters have answered this question.

Kalibak vs Apocalypse

21% (19) Kalibak
78% (71) Apocalypse

90 voters have answered this question.

Thanos vs Darkseid

44% (43) Thanos
55% (53) Darkseid

96 voters have answered this question.

Solaris the Tyrant Sun vs Ego The Living Planet

47% (40) Solaris
52% (44) Ego

84 voters have answered this question.

Doomsday vs Hulk

40% (36) Doomsday
59% (52) Hulk

88 voters have answered this question.

Nightwing vs Captain America

45% (50) Nightwing
54% (59) Captain America

109 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-07-06 19:28:21 by AvidoWA
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