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What is your view on atheism?

I've always been curious of how a persons influences in life affects their opinions on atheism or theism. I have a few questions here to help me understand how a persons life affects their religious views.

To start things simply, what age group are you in?

0% (0) 1-10
44% (130) 11-20
22% (66) 21-30
9% (29) 31-40
8% (26) 41-50
10% (32) 51-65
3% (9) 66+

292 voters have answered this question.

What belief system were you raised in?

71% (210) Christianity
2% (6) Islam
0% (2) Judaism
0% (1) Buddhism
0% (0) Shinto
9% (29) Atheism
10% (31) Agnosticism
4% (13) Other

292 voters have answered this question.

Do you still believe in the religion you were raised in?

32% (94) Yes
67% (198) No

292 voters have answered this question.

How strict would you view the religious beliefs of your family being raised?

17% (51) We were always participating in various religious activities and my family was heavy in its beliefs.
18% (53) We were frequenters at our local church/mosque/etc., but not always involved.
18% (55) It's iffy. We sometimes attended services, or did things with other members of our religious community, but not often.
21% (62) We rarely did anything, but my family was still religious, kind of in the background, though
9% (29) My family never really had a religion growing up.
14% (42) It was never important to my family.

292 voters have answered this question.

If you converted to a different religion during your lifetime, when was it?

3% (9) Age 1-10
25% (74) 11-20
4% (13) 21-30
2% (7) 31-40
1% (3) 41-50
0% (2) 51-65
0% (0) 66+
62% (182) I have never converted.

290 voters have answered this question.

Now we get into atheism. What is your overall opinion of atheists/agnostics?

7% (22) They deserve Gods punishment!
6% (19) I never really liked being around atheists much, but I wouldn't care otherwise.
33% (97) Why does it matter if someone is atheist?
47% (138) I actually prefer being around atheists than religious people.
5% (16) Religion has always left a bad taste in my mouth, but so does atheism.

292 voters have answered this question.

Why do you think some members of the religious community seem to detest atheists so much?

7% (22) They do?
7% (21) The God hating bastards deserve their fiery end!
45% (134) They don't like contradiction to their religion.
16% (47) It makes them think past their religion, thus making them seem "sinful".
19% (57) Maybe they were just raised to think that way, and have no further reason?
3% (11) I don't like atheists, but they shouldn't be so harsh.

292 voters have answered this question.

On a similar note, why do you think other members of the religious community are tolerant of atheism?

18% (54) They believe if a person is good, regardless of religion, they still go to heaven.
4% (12) I just don't understand why they are so tolerant. Atheists should burn!
33% (98) They think that "to each his own", and that encompasses their religion too.
25% (74) They were raised to be tolerant.
18% (54) They aren't tolerant at all, they're just putting up a front.

292 voters have answered this question.

At this moment in time, what do you think of the recent actions to promote awareness about atheism? (i.e. The Brights movement, Richard Dawking's books, etc.)

8% (25) They are destroying this planet with their Satan-induced madness!
7% (23) I never really noticed anything.
19% (57) It's good that people are trying to get acceptance from an overbearing community.
3% (10) Atheists have a movement? I should grab my shotgun...
12% (37) As long as they don't hurt anybody, its fine.
35% (105) I hope they stomp out religion!
11% (35) I don't really care...

292 voters have answered this question.

Evolution or Creation?

67% (198) Evolution is the only logical explanation to life.
10% (31) I lean more towards science, but I have my doubts sometimes.
8% (26) I believe both have equal merits.
0% (1) I've been taught that creation is the way to go, but I'm not sure...
12% (36) Creationism is what I believe in.

292 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe this poll will be helpful in understanding a persons view on such delicate issues as religion?

19% (56) Yes! It was a brilliant poll! (Why thank you!)
34% (101) I guess.
13% (38) Don't care. I'm getting back to what I was doing before.
4% (12) No. Atheists are intolerable.
20% (59) No. Religious people are insufferable.
8% (26) No. It's pointless trying to understand anything.

292 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-07-16 11:56:17 by Sandyness
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