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Equality of Punishments

This is a poll for couples and was prompted by a discussion on another forum. A woman and her husband were both convicted of the same crime in a Singapore court. She was sentenced to 5 years in prison and he to 2 years plus 24 strokes of the cane. She pleaded to be given the same sentence as he but was refused. Despite Singaporean judicial canings being brutal, she maintains she would have preferred that to the extra 3 years imprisonment. During her 5 years in prison, she was caned for breaking prison rules 22 times so is aware of the level of pain involved. For the purpose of this poll, consider the canings to be at the level of a school caning and the terms "wife" and "husband" to mean a person you live with as if married or in a similar relationship even if not living together. When answering, bear in mind the effects that paying a large fine and one or both of you being gaoled would have on your family, jobs and home.
Your sex
Your age range
18 - 25
26 - 35
36 - 45
46 - 55
56 - 65
Are you employed?
We both are
Neither of us are
I am but my wife/husband isn't
My wife/husband is but I'm not
Did you get the cane when you were children?
Neither of us got it.
We both got it
I got it but my wife/husband didn't
My wife/husband got it but I didn't
Should the courts have the power to pass a sentence of caning?
Only for men
Only for women
Yes for both sexes
Should petty criminals be allowed to opt for the cane as an alternative to a fine?
Only men
Only women
Yes (both sexes)
Should petty criminals be allowed to opt for the cane as an alternative to gaol?
Only men
Only women
Yes (both sexes)
If you and your wife/husband were convicted of the same offence, would you expect the same punishment?
No - my wife/husband should receive the harsher punishment
No - I should receive the harsher punishment
If you were fined and your wife/husband sentenced to the cane, would you want the cane too (instead of the fine)?
Yes - I'd prefer the cane anyway.
Yes - It would only be fair
If you were sentenced to the cane and your wife/husband fined, would they want the cane too (instead of the fine)?
Yes - They'd prefer the cane anyway.
Yes - It would only be fair.
If you were gaoled and your wife/husband sentenced to the cane, would you want the cane too (instead of the gaol term)?
Yes - I'd prefer the cane anyway
Yes - It would only be fair
If you were sentenced to the cane and your wife/husband gaoled, would they want the cane too (instead of the gaol term)?
Yes - They'd prefer the cane anyway.
Yes - It would only be fair.
Given the choice each of being fined one month's income or having 6 strokes of the cane, what would you each choose?
We'd both pay the fines
We'd both have the cane
I'd pay the fine, my wife/husband would have the cane
I'd have the cane, my wife/husband would pay the fine
Given the choice each of being fined 6 month's income or having 6 strokes of the cane, what would you each choose?
We'd both pay the fines
We'd both have the cane
I'd pay the fine, my wife/husband would have the cane
I'd have the cane, my wife/husband would pay the fine
Given the choice each of being gaoled for 6 months or having 6 strokes of the cane, what would you each choose?
We'd both go to gaol
We'd both have the cane
I'd go to gaol, my wife/husband would have the cane
I'd have the cane, my wife/husband would go to gaol
Given the choice each of being gaoled for 1 year or having 6 strokes of the cane, what would you each choose?
We'd both go to gaol
We'd both have the cane
I'd go to gaol, my wife/husband would have the cane
I'd have the cane, my wife/husband would go to gaol
Given the choice, if you both had to accept the same punishment, what would you choose?
A fine of 6 months' joint income
3 months' in gaol each
6 strokes of the cane each
We're unable to agree
Would you accept a caning to save your wife/husband from being fined?
Would you accept a caning to save your wife/husband from being gaoled?
Would you rather have the cane than lose your driving licence?
No - Neither of us would
Yes - We both would
I would but my wife/husband wouldn't
My wife/husband would but I wouldn't
Would you rather have the cane than lose your job?
No - Neither of us would
Yes - We both would
I would but my wife/husband wouldn't
My wife/husband would but I wouldn't
This poll was created on 2009-09-18 01:59:08 by Helga The Horrible