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Political Survey

for school

What is your age?

64% (198) 18-25
14% (45) 26-35
9% (30) 36-45
11% (35) 46+

308 voters have answered this question.


63% (195) Male
26% (81) Female
10% (31) Transgender

307 voters have answered this question.

Sexual Orientation

80% (245) Straight
8% (25) Gay
11% (34) Bisexual

304 voters have answered this question.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you by with Obama?

22% (70) 1
8% (25) 2
5% (18) 3
5% (17) 4
13% (41) 5
7% (24) 6
9% (29) 7
10% (32) 8
4% (15) 9
11% (36) 10

307 voters have answered this question.

Would you pay higher taxes for dinosaur cloning research?

33% (104) Yes
50% (155) No
15% (47) Depends on the cost

306 voters have answered this question.

U mad brah?

51% (157) Yeah brah i mad
48% (145) Nah brah, it's cool

302 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-10-25 23:32:35 by Boblah Blaw
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