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Corporal Punishment in Christain Schools

This poll is asks about the use of corporal punishment in Christian Schools. Please respond to this poll only if you are a past or present student, teacher, administrator at a Christian school or if you are the parent/guardian of student that is attending (or has attended) a Christian School. I've created a follow-up to this poll for those that have received corporal punishment while attending a Christian School. If this describes you, please take this poll at: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/468755

Which best describes you? Here "student" refers to a traditional "school-age" minor child (ages 3-18).

52% (393) A student that currently attends a Christian school.
14% (106) A student that used to attend a Christian school.
20% (156) An adult that used to attend a Christian school.
4% (35) A teacher or former teacher at a Christian school.
2% (16) An administrator or former administrator at a Christian school.
4% (31) The parent/guardian of a child that currently attends or used to attend a Christian school.
1% (8) The parent/guardian of a child, now grown, that attended a Christian school.
0% (7) other? (please do not complete the remainder of this poll)

752 voters have answered this question.

Please select your age range?

2% (20) 9 or under
10% (77) 10 - 12
26% (198) 13 - 15
18% (140) 16 - 18
5% (41) 19 - 22
6% (52) 23 - 29
8% (63) 30 - 39
10% (82) 40 - 49
6% (46) 50 - 59
3% (24) 60 - 69
1% (9) 70 or over

752 voters have answered this question.

Which best describes the policy toward corporal punishment (spanking, smacking, paddling, etc.) at the Christian school with which you are or have been affiliated?

3% (26) Corporal punishment is not allowed because it is not legal in my state or country
0% (4) Corporal punishment is not allowed because of my school's policy.
0% (2) Corporal punishment is allowed at my school but it is never used.
2% (16) Corporal punishment is allowed at my school but it is rarely used.
5% (40) Corporal punishment is allowed at my school and it is used infrequently.
28% (218) Corporal punishment is allowed at my school and it is used moderately frequently.
59% (446) Corporal punishment is allowed at my school and it is used very frequently.

752 voters have answered this question.

If corporal punishment is allowed, can parents or students "opt out"?

78% (562) No. Parents/guardians and/or the child must sign or otherwise indicate that they consent to corporal punishment if required.
11% (85) Yes. Parents/guardians may indicate that the corporal punishment is not to be administered.
0% (5) Yes. The child may refuse to consent to corporal punishment if it has been earned.
4% (35) Yes, sort of. The child may refuse to consent but then the parents will be contacted.
4% (29) other? (please specify.)

716 voters have answered this question.

Are parent/guardians notified if corporal punishment is administered?

30% (218) No. It is left to the student to inform the parents/guardians.
15% (109) Yes. Parents/guardian are notified by a school official (teacher, coach, administrator, etc.) BEFORE the corporal punishment is administered.
43% (311) Yes. Parents/guardians are notified by a school official AFTER the corporal punishment is administered.
1% (11) Yes. Parents/guardians are contacted and asked to come to the school to administer corporal punishment to the child.
6% (46) Yes. Parents/guardians are notified but only if the child refuses to assent to corporal punishment.
2% (17) other? (specify)

712 voters have answered this question.

If corporal punishment is allowed, who may administer it? Select any that apply.

29% (209) Same-sex administrator.
65% (471) Any administrator (typically principal or vice-principal or headmaster etc.) regardless of sex.
24% (175) A same-sex teacher.
57% (410) Any teacher.
22% (163) A same-sex coach (or other type of non-academic instructor).
35% (255) Any coach (or other type of non-academic instructor).
12% (89) A same-sex older student (maybe with this designated responsibility, something like a prefect or "head-boy").
17% (123) A designated older student (regardless of sex).
4% (35) Other? (please specify)

718 voters have answered this question.

Is a witness required to be present when corporal punishment is administered?

53% (380) No.
19% (141) Yes, another same-sex administrator or teacher or coach.
24% (178) Yes, another administrator or teacher or coach.
15% (112) Yes, another student.

713 voters have answered this question.

Is corporal punishment administered in private?

24% (175) Yes. Only involved parties (student, administrator, and/or witness(es)) are present.
22% (162) Partially. Involved parties and other students also receiving corporal punishment may be present.
30% (220) Maybe not. Corporal punishment MAY be administered in front of other students.
19% (139) No. Corporal punishment is always (or usually) administered in front of other students.
2% (18) Other? (specify)

714 voters have answered this question.

If allowed, on what part of the body may corporal punishment be administered? Select all that apply.

12% (89) Back of hand.
29% (208) Palm of hand.
41% (298) Thighs or backs of legs.
99% (708) Buttocks.
9% (69) Face.
8% (64) Other? (specify)

715 voters have answered this question.

If allowed, what is used to administer corporal punishment? Select all that apply.

42% (304) Hand
73% (525) Paddle
51% (373) Rod, switch, or cane.
47% (338) Strap or belt.
16% (122) Slipper.
9% (66) Other? (specify)

718 voters have answered this question.

For corporal punishment administered to the buttocks, which describes how it MAY be administered according to policy? Select all that apply.

33% (237) Over the child's outer clothes (pants, etc.).
40% (284) Over the child's underpants (with child's outer clothing lowered or removed).
77% (546) On the child's bared buttocks (with child's outer clothing and underpants lowered or removed).

707 voters have answered this question.

What is the "typical" number of swats delivered in a single corporal punishment administration?

0% (4) 1
0% (4) 2
6% (48) 3
5% (38) 4
11% (82) 5
23% (166) 6
0% (6) 7
5% (40) 8
5% (42) 9
39% (280) more than 10 (specify how many)

710 voters have answered this question.

What is the maximum number of swats that may be delivered to the buttocks during a single corporal punishment administration according to policy?

0% (0) 1
0% (2) 2
0% (2) 3
0% (1) 4
3% (22) 5
6% (43) 6
0% (2) 7
3% (25) 8
2% (21) 9
29% (207) between 10 and 20
7% (54) more than 20 (specify how many)
46% (326) there is no set limit, this is up to the discretion of the one administering the punishment.

705 voters have answered this question.

Is the child informed how many swats he/she will receive?

33% (234) Yes.
22% (157) Sometimes/usually.
22% (161) Sometimes/usually not.
21% (153) No.

705 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following also happens when corporal punishment is administered? Select all that apply.

31% (204) The child is given the opportunity to pray.
22% (147) A scripture is read.
13% (89) Parents/guardian are called before the punishment.
37% (243) Parents/guardians are called after the punishment.
36% (242) The child is to stand/sit in a particular place for prayer or reflection.
17% (114) The child is hugged.
47% (313) The child is given time to compose themselves in private after the punishment.
12% (80) other? (specify)

655 voters have answered this question.

Has corporal punishment ever been administered to an entire class of students or other large grouping of students (like a sports team, choir, band, or other grouping like all the boys in a class, or all the 3rd graders)?

50% (353) Yes.
19% (138) No.
29% (205) No. But there is no policy that would prevent this from happening.

696 voters have answered this question.

If you answered "yes" to the above. Please describe the circumstances.

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210 voters have answered this question.

Are there specific guidelines as to when corporal punishment may be administered (i.e. specific behaviors that earn this punishment)?

8% (56) Yes. Corporal punishment is only ever earned for specified misbehavior.
25% (175) Yes. But students may also receive this punishment for non-specified behaviors or repeat misbehavior but only after being specifically warned by a teacher and/or administrator.
64% (435) No. This punishment may be administered at the discretion of the school official for the betterment of the child and/or maintenance of the learning environment. Such punishment may be given without specific warnings as to what kinds of behavior will lead to it.
1% (13) Other? (specify)

679 voters have answered this question.

What is the Christian School's denominational affiliation (if any)?

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300 voters have answered this question.

Please describe how corporal punishment is administered at the school? Provide any other details about policy or your feelings towards the policy on corporal punishment.

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278 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about the use of corporal punishment in Christian schools?

11% (77) I am opposed to it.
20% (141) I support its occasional use.
59% (400) I support its regular use.
6% (46) I support its use under certain conditions/circumstances. (specify)
1% (10) Other? (specify)

674 voters have answered this question.

Please provide the name and location (city, state, country) of the Christian school in question. A general location like "southern US" or "UK" is also useful. (Note this information is kept confidential and will not be published in any form).

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274 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-10-30 18:45:55 by AustinM
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