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Find a pet

Please voice your opinion about a new pet search functionality I added to my web site: http://petsconnections.com/jfront/find-your-pet.html

Is the web page useful for people looking to adopt a pet?

0% (0) not useful
50% (2) somewhat useful
25% (1) useful
25% (1) not useful at all

4 voters have answered this question.

Have you used a similar web page before?

25% (1) yes
75% (3) no

4 voters have answered this question.

If your answer to the previous question was yes, the url of the web page you used most often is _____

No graph available for this question

1 voters have answered this question.

Will you recommend this web page to someone looking to adopt a pet?

50% (2) yes
50% (2) no

4 voters have answered this question.

How can I improve this pet search function?

No graph available for this question

2 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-11-09 18:26:54 by pwlnow
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