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Are you a Liberal or Conservative?

Do you consider yourself a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, or Independent?

27% (30) Liberal
36% (41) Conservative
15% (17) Moderate
20% (23) Independent

111 voters have answered this question.

What issues influence your vote the most?

9% (10) Green (the environment, alternative energy, pollution controls, etc.)
29% (33) Social (abortion, civil rights, prayer in schools, etc.)
13% (15) Domestic (immigration, foreign affairs, gun control, etc.)
47% (53) Economic (trade, taxes, gov't spending, etc.)

111 voters have answered this question.

If you are a Liberal, what political parties are you involved in?

23% (16) Democratic Party
2% (2) Green Party
0% (0) Party for Socialism and Liberation
2% (2) Peace and Freedom Party
1% (1) Progressive Labor Party
0% (0) Socialist Equality Party
55% (38) Communist Party
5% (4) Socialist Party
5% (4) Marijuana Party
0% (0) Socialist Workers Party
1% (1) United Workers Party

68 voters have answered this question.

If you are a Conservative, what political parties are you affiliated with?

34% (27) Republican Party
7% (6) Libertarian Party
47% (37) Constitution Party
6% (5) American Taxpayer's Party (Boston Tea Party)
2% (2) Working Families Party
1% (1) Modern Whig Party

78 voters have answered this question.

If you are a Moderate or Independent, what political parties are you affiliated with?

10% (6) Republican Party
19% (11) Democratic Party
29% (17) Moderate Party
38% (22) Independent Party
1% (1) American Independent Party

57 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-05-20 06:31:05 by CClay
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