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Is the United States a Democracy?

11% (8) YES
88% (61) NO

69 voters have answered this question.

What is the minimum age requirement for the person running for President of the United States?

13% (9) 32
8% (6) 33
18% (13) 34
34% (24) 35
7% (5) 36
17% (12) 37 or Older

69 voters have answered this question.

Do you have to be a Natural Born Citizen to be the President of the United States?

86% (60) Yes
13% (9) NO

69 voters have answered this question.

What does the term 'Natural Born Citizen' mean?

81% (56) The candidate has to have been born in the United States
4% (3) The candidates parents must be citizens and you can be born in any country
5% (4) One parent must be a citizen and you born in the US or a territory
4% (3) One parent must be a citizen and you born in the US or a territory and the parent must have been in the US for the previous 5 years
2% (2) Neither parent needs to be a citizen, but you have to be born in the United States
1% (1) Anyone can be a Natural Born Citizen

69 voters have answered this question.

What is the Subject of the First Amendment (Choose all that apply)

2% (2) Gun ownership
0% (0) Trial by Jury
2% (2) States Rights
20% (14) Religion
86% (60) Speaking out
1% (1) Fast Trial
85% (59) Freedom of the Press
0% (0) Searching your posessions
13% (9) Petition the Government

69 voters have answered this question.

What is the subject of the Tenth Amendment (Choose all that apply)

4% (3) Gun ownership
4% (3) Trial by Jury
79% (55) States Rights
1% (1) Religion
1% (1) Speaking out
2% (2) Fast Trial
5% (4) Freedom of the Press
4% (3) Searching your posessions
2% (2) Petition the Government

69 voters have answered this question.

Can a Convicted Fellon vote for President of the United States?

11% (8) Yes
76% (53) NO
4% (3) It Depends on the type of Felony
7% (5) Sometimes after a certain amount of time

69 voters have answered this question.

Is the United States a Democracy

13% (9) Yes
86% (60) NO

69 voters have answered this question.

What is a Democracy

79% (55) It is a political form of government carried out directly by the people
8% (6) It is a political form of government carried out indirectly by the elected people
11% (8) It is a political form of government carried out by elected officials

69 voters have answered this question.

Is the United States a Republic

91% (63) Yes
8% (6) NO

69 voters have answered this question.

What is a Republic

5% (4) It is a political form of government carried out directly by the people
14% (10) It is a political form of government carried out indirectly by the elected people
79% (55) It is a political form of government carried out by elected officials

69 voters have answered this question.

What are Personal Morals

1% (1) Rules that were made by men a long time ago
2% (2) Rules that were made up in your own head that help you live a good life
4% (3) Something you feel is OK
75% (52) The knowledge of Right and Wrong and how you incorporate that in your life
1% (1) The correct way you handle day to day dilemmas
14% (10) Your knowledge of right and wrong and how you treat other people

69 voters have answered this question.

From where are Morals attained or instilled

17% (12) From God
11% (8) From Parents
0% (0) From Teachers
4% (3) From Life
0% (0) From Friends
62% (43) You just have them
4% (3) There are no shuch things as Morals

69 voters have answered this question.

How many of each kind of animal was placed on Noah's Ark

4% (3) 2 of every 'clean' kind and 4 of the 'unclean' kind
1% (1) 4 'unclean' and 2 'clean' of every kind
1% (1) 7 'clean' of every kind
76% (53) 2 'clean' of every kind
4% (3) 7 of the 'unclean' kind and 2 of the 'clean' kind
11% (8) 7 of the 'clean' and 2 of the 'unclean' kind

69 voters have answered this question.

How old do you think the Earth is approximately

13% (9) Under 10,000 years
4% (3) 10,000 to 100,000 years
1% (1) 100,000 to 1 million years
1% (1) 1 million to 100 million years
1% (1) 100 million to 1 billion years
71% (49) 1 billion years to 10 billion years
7% (5) 10 billion years or older

69 voters have answered this question.

Dinosaurs all started as an egg. The Largest egg was about the size of a football. The average size of a Dinosaur was about the size of a sheep. Given the above information, could Noah have brought Dinosaurs on the Ark?

75% (52) No, Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years
5% (4) No, there was no one like Noah and the Ark is a fairy tale
2% (2) No, because Dinosaurs could not fit on the ark
15% (11) Yes, maybe Noah did take Dinosaurs on the Ark

69 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-06-09 10:33:03 by pckiss
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