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Favorite animals?

what are you favorite animals

Howmuch favorite animals you got?

20% (22) 1
11% (12) 2
15% (17) 3
6% (7) 4
5% (6) 5
40% (43) 5>

107 voters have answered this question.

What animal is your favorite?

24% (26) Wolves
21% (23) Dogs
67% (72) Tigers
57% (61) Cats
5% (6) meerkats
15% (17) cows
13% (14) bears
5% (6) Snakes
4% (5) Squirrels
31% (34) Lions
2% (3) Spider
18% (20) Other
4% (5) Monkeys (inclusive humans)

107 voters have answered this question.

What aninmal's you fear most?

17% (19) Spiders
57% (62) Snakes
2% (3) Dog's
0% (1) Cat's
20% (22) Other

107 voters have answered this question.

What is more inponant for you

12% (13) Humans
63% (68) Animals
24% (26) Nature

107 voters have answered this question.

Do u liked the poll?

79% (85) yes
20% (22) no

107 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-06-13 10:59:03 by Meerkatzz
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